Packages for the simulation of the Summit XL
Launch files and world files to start the models in gazebo
Launch files that launch the complete simulation of the robot/s
- Install the following dependencies:
summit_xl_common link
robotnik_msgs link
robotnik_sensors link
In the workspace install the packages dependencies:
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
- Launch Summit XL simulation (1 robot by default, up to 3 robots):
Summit XL:
roslaunch summit_xl_sim_bringup summit_xl_complete.launch
or Summit XL Steel:
roslaunch summit_xl_sim_bringup summit_xls_complete.launch
Optional general arguments:
<arg name="launch_rviz" default="true"/> <arg name="gazebo_world" default="$(find summit_xl_gazebo)/worlds/"/> <arg name="omni_drive" default="false"/> (only for Summit XL)
Optional robot arguments:
<!--arguments for each robot (example for robot A)--> <arg name="id_robot_a" default="summit_xl_a"/> <arg name="launch_robot_a" default="true"/> <arg name="map_file_a" default="willow_garage/willow_garage.yaml"/> <arg name="localization_robot_a" default="true"/> <arg name="gmapping_robot_a" default="false"/> <arg name="move_base_robot_a" default="false"/> <arg name="amcl_and_mapserver_a" default="false"/> <arg name="x_init_pose_robot_a" default="0" /> <arg name="y_init_pose_robot_a" default="0" /> <arg name="z_init_pose_robot_a" default="0" /> <arg name="xacro_robot_a" default="summit_xl_std.urdf.xacro"/>
Example to launch simulation with 3 Summit XL robots:
roslaunch summit_xl_sim_bringup summit_xl_complete.launch launch_robot_b:=true launch_robot_c:=true
Example to launch simulation with 1 Summit XL robot with navigation:
roslaunch summit_xl_sim_bringup summit_xl_complete.launch move_base_robot_a:=true amcl_and_mapserver_a:=true localization_robot_a:=true
- Enjoy! You can use the topic "${id_robot}/robotnik_base_control/cmd_vel" to control the Summit XL robot or send simple goals using "/${id_robot}/move_base_simple/goal"