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The Holy Constituency of the Summer Triangle edited this page Apr 24, 2016 · 3 revisions

Key information is written inline.

    GET /api/v1/card_t/200167
      "result": [
          "album_id": 1680030,
          "attribute": 2,
                ; Any of "cool", "cute", "passion", "office"
                ; (last one reserved for Chihiro)
          "bonus_dance": 151,
          "bonus_hp": 2,
          "bonus_visual": 179,
          "bonus_vocal": 145,
                ; Increase to appeal after card is fully bonded
          "card_image_ref": "/static/sync/card/200167.png",
                ; Link to an image of the card (thumbnail size)
          "chara": {
            "ref": "/api/v1/char_t/168"
          "chara_id": 168,
          "dance_max": 3004,
          "dance_min": 1562,
                ; At max and min level. For levels in between, linearly
                ; interpolate: V(L) = min + (max - min) * (L / max_L)
          "evolution_id": 200168,
                ; ID of transformed card
          "evolution_type": 8,
          "grow_type": 1,
          "has_spread": true,
                ; Whether this card has a full-width image.
          "hp_max": 39,
          "hp_min": 39,
                ; See dance_min
          "id": 200167,
          "lead_skill": {
            "ref": "/api/v1/leader_skill_t/33"
          "leader_skill_id": 33,
          "name": "[黒真珠の輝き]黒川千秋",
                ; Card title and idol name. We split it for you, see
                ; name_only and title.
          "name_only": "黒川千秋",
                ; Japanese name of the idol. For english, don't use
                ; read_tl, use char_t->conventional.
          "open_dress_id": 0,
                ; Model ID.
          "open_story_id": 1477,
          "overall_bonus": 475,
          "overall_max": 9461,
          "overall_min": 4920,
                ; Sum of VoViDa.
          "place": 128,
          "pose": 3,
                ; This card's (transparent) sprite number. Only unique among
                ; the idol's sprites.
          "rarity": {
            "add_max_level": 0,
            "add_param": 0,
            "base_give_exp": 1000,
            "base_give_money": 5000,
            "base_max_level": 60,
            "max_love": 100,
            "max_star_rank": 20,
            "rarity": 5
                ; from 1 = N to 8 = SSR+.
          "series_id": 200167,
                ; Evolution chain ID of this card.
          "skill": {
            "ref": "/api/v1/skill_t/200167"
          "skill_id": 200167,
          "solo_live": 0,
          "spread_image_ref": "/static/sync/spread/200167.png",
                ; This is null if has_spread is 0.
          "star_lesson_type": 3,
          "title": "黒真珠の輝き",
                ; Card title. You can (usually) use read_tl to get its english
                ; counterpart. null when title_flag is 0.
          "title_flag": 1,
          "valist": [],
          "visual_max": 3565,
          "visual_min": 1854,
          "vocal_max": 2892,
          "vocal_min": 1504
                ; see dance_min
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