Agent is universal name for: broker, bank and any other financial organization.
Tinkoff invest api methods:
Tinkoff invest api methods:
Source of position can be
GetPositions() or Sum Handler
that sum all transaction (trades, orders, etc).
Tinkoff invest api methods:
Tinkoff invest api methods:
Trades from the marker and from users are the same stucture. Operations, Orders and Trades are one union structure - Transaction.
Tinkoff invest api methods:
- GetLastTrades - Метод запроса последних обезличенных сделок по инструменту.
- GetOperations - Метод получения списка операций по счёту.
OrderBook is the Order with child orders Tinkoff invest api methods:
Orders from the marker and from users are the same stucture. Also can be SmartOrders (bot with grids, trailings, strategies) that can have child Orders.
Tinkoff invest api methods: