plxMinifyCache : PluXML plugin to minify and cache source by i M@N & Stephane Ferrari
plxMinifyCache is based on Steve Clay and Ryan Minify a PHP5 app that helps you follow several rules for client-side performance. it combines multiple CSS or Javascript files, removes unnecessary whitespace and comments, and serves them with gzip encoding and optimal client-side cache headers.
if you have a bug fix, the best way to help would be to :
- Fork the project by clicking "Fork this project" at the top of this page
- Clone your version of plxMinifyCache from your Github account to your computer
- Fix and commit the bugs, then push your version to your Github account
- Click "pull request" at the top of my Github page
You can report bugs here.
You can watch plxMinifyCache for updates or follow me on Github and on Twitter.
plxMinifyCache under WTFPL :
Minify under BSD 3-Clause License :
PluXML a CMS with XML inside
Stephane Ferrari, PluXML project manager and developments manager
Minify is made by Steve Clay and Ryan check their Github
- Link to download real source
- Update Libs, but realy good work in php 5.5
- In English and French languages, il y a des traducteurs...