Download these files and paste them into the root of your project.
You can use Route::inertiaApi($name, $controller)
just like you would Route::resource(...)
Route::inertiaApi('users', UserController::class, middleware: [
'api' => ['auth:sanctum'],
'web' => ['auth'],
class SSHController extends Controller
public function index(): AnonymousResourceCollection|Response
$users = User::all();
// $this->handleResponse($data, $component)
// because there is only one array key we will return AnonymousResourceCollection for api calls
return $this->handleResponse(compact('users'), 'Users');
public function store(CreateUserRequest $request): RedirectResponse|JsonResource
$user = User::create($request->validated());
// $this->handleRedirect($data)
// will call back() for inertia
// because data is a resource we get JsonResource for api calls, collections and arrays with one key return AnonymousResourceCollection
return $this->handleRedirect($key);
public function update(UpdateUserRequest $request, User $user): RedirectResponse|JsonResource
$user = $user->update($request->validated());
// both handleResponse and handleRedirect allow you change how api's return
return $this->handleRedirect($key, apiCallback: function() use ($user) {
return new UserResource($user)