A lightweight, fast and extensible build system.
Match hides away the heavy lifting in Java, leaving the build files simple, intuitive, and easy to maintain.
# Add the libraries
name = "checkstyle"
file = "checkstyle-8.11-all.jar"
location = "https://github.com/checkstyle/checkstyle/releases/download/checkstyle-8.11/"
name = "junit"
file = "junit-4.12.jar"
location = "http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=junit/junit/4.12/"
# Build the code
name = "Sample"
source = Find("source")
main-class = "match.Sample"
# Build the tests
name = "SampleTest"
source = Find("tests/source")
main-class = "match.SampleTest"
library = [
# Run the tests
name = "SampleTestResult"
library = [
main-class = "match.SampleTest"
# Check the code style
name = "SampleCheckStyleResult"
config = "$HOME/match/checkstyle.xml"
source = [
# Release the package once style is checked and tests pass
source = "Sample"
channel = "cp %s $HOME/match/libraries/Sample-0.5.jar"
require = [
- ./lite-em - builds all targets
- ./lite-em quiet - builds all targets quietly
- ./lite-em verbose - builds all targets verbosely
- CheckStyle - enforces a style guide on the source code.
- Find - finds all files under the given directory, filtering files by an optional pattern.
- Get - looks up a build property given a key.
- GetFile - gets a reference to a file created by another function.
- Gradle - triggers a Gradle build of the given tasks.
- JavaJar - compiles java code into a jar.
- JavaJUnit - runs JUnit tests.
- Library - adds a library to the build, downloading if necessary.
- Platform - picks an option based on the build platform.
- Protobuf - generates Java from Protocol Buffers and then packages the classes into a jar.
- Release - builds a release bundle, and pushes it out the distribution channels.
- Set - sets a build property given a key/value pair.
- SetFile - sets a file property and reference.
- Zip - compresses the source files into a .zip file.
Match can easily be extended to include project-, language- or workspace-specific functions.
- Create a new function in the "match.expression.function" package which extends "Function"
- Compile and add to Match's classpath
- Call by name in your match files
- Echo - a simple Java application with tests. The match file compiles and jars the code and tests, and then runs the tests.
- HelloDroid - an Android Library and Application. The match file compiles the library and application, and then runs the tests.