It is a microservice that collect data from several crypto data providers using its API.
This microservice uses:
- gin-gonic/gin package to start and serve HTTP server
- coder/websocket package to manage websocket connection
- go-sql-driver/mysql package to work with mysql database
- lib/pq package to work with postgresql database
- go-redis/redis package for saving the active session and restoring it when the puller is restarted
$ go build -o ccd .
You should previously export some environment variables:
export CCDC_DATAPROVIDER=cryptocompare
export CCDC_DATABASEURL=postgres://username:[email protected]:5432/dbname?sslmode=disable
export CCDC_APIKEY=put you api key here
export CCDC_SESSIONSTORE=redis // or "db", default value is "db"
export REDIS_URL=redis://:[email protected]:6379/0 // only when "redis" session store selected
if you want use huobi as data provider export this:
If you use mysql db, you should export something like this:
export CCDC_DATABASEURL=mysql://username:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/dbname
And run application:
$ ./ccd -debug
The default port is 8080, you can test the application in a browser or with curl:
$ curl
You can choose a different port and run more than one copy of ccd on your local host. For example:
$ ./ccd -port 8081
You also can specify some setting before run application:
$ ./ccd -h
ccd is a microservice that collect data from several crypto data providers cryprocompare using its API.
Usage of ccd:
-dataprovider string
use selected data provider ("cryptocompare", "huobi") (default "cryptocompare")
run the program in debug mode
-h display help
-port string
set specify port (default ":8080")
-session string
set session store "db" or "redis" (default "db")
-timeout int
how long to wait for a response from the api server before sending data from the cache (default 1000)
List of the implemented endpoints:
- /healthz [GET] check node status
- /v1/collect/add [GET] add new worker to collect data for the selected pair
- /v1/collect/remove [GET] stop and remove worker and collecting data for the selected pair
- /v1/collect/status [GET] show info about running workers
- /v1/collect/update [GET] update pulling interval for the selected pair
- /v1/symbols/add [GET] add new currency symbol to the db
- /v1/symbols/update [GET] update currency symbol in the db
- /v1/symbols/remove [GET] remove currency symbol in the db
- /v1/price [POST, GET] get actual (or cached if dataprovider is unavailable) info for the selected pair
- /v1/ws [GET] websocket connection url, when you connected, try to send request like {"fsym":"BTC","tsym":"USD"}
- /v1/ws/subscribe [POST, GET] subscribe to collect data for the selected pair
- /v1/ws/unsubscribe [POST, GET] unsubscribe to stop collect data for the selected pair
- /v1/symbols [POST, PUT, DELETE] add, update, delete currency symbol
- /v1/collect [POST, PUT, DELETE] add, update, delete worker to collect data
Example getting a GET request for getting actual info about selected pair:
$ curl "http://localhost:8080/v1/price?fsym=ETH&tsym=JPY"
Example of sending a POST request to add a new worker:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "fsym": "BTC", "tsym": "USD", "interval": 60}' "http://localhost:8080/v1/collect"
Example of sending a GET request to remove worker:
$ curl "http://localhost:8080/v1/collect/remove?fsym=BTC&tsym=USD&interval=60"
Example of sending a GET request to subscribe wss channel:
$ curl "http://localhost:8080/v1/ws/subscribe?fsym=BTC&tsym=USD"
Working example URL:
Web UI:
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues, have suggestions for new features, or want to improve CCD, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on the project's GitHub repository.
CCD is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for complete license details.
DigitalOcean referral link.