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Daniel Gordi edited this page May 22, 2020 · 32 revisions

On this page you will find deployment info (mainly for Linux).
For the FAQs, visit the dedicated FAQs Page.

Guide for Linux

Here is a video Tutorial of @dularion setting it up:
Below you can find a step-by-step.

1. Install Java

Get and install Java 8 (JDK or JRE). OpenJDK is a preferred JDK.

Java JRE

sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre


Java JDK

sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk

2. Create an install directory

Create an install directory for Streama our example uses /data/streama for the yml and the jar and /data/streama/files for any uploaded files.

mkdir -p /data/streama /data/streama/files
cd /data/streama

3. Download the .jar and create an application.yml

Download the latest jar from the releases page, and then copy the jar file to your device.


(Optional) A sample application.yml is avalible at

mv sample_application.yml application.yml

3. Run!

The main way to start the app is via the command below.

sudo ./streama-[version].jar

If the above command give you an error you can try either of the below commands to correct this

chmod +x ./streama-[version].jar


java -jar streama-[version].jar

Once you see the console output
Grails application running at http://localhost:8080 in environment: production
you are set to go! just navigate to localhost:8080 (If you are on the computer that you are running this from else it will be that devices local IP) and you will see a login screen (default = username:admin, password:admin), and the program is up and running. Enjoy! :)

Next steps

For production-purposes, you should consider running streama as a background-service and use mysql instead of the built-in h2 database this give you the ability to backup your database and scale your enviroment.

ℹ️ If something didn't work or you want to improve the workflow, check the the dedicated FAQs Page.

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