git clone
(similar to snakemake install)
First install mamba in your base environment in case you don't have it already:
conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba
Then create a new environment with snakemake:
conda activate base
mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n spapros_smk snakemake
To set the config edit the file spapros-smk/config/config.yaml
. (details see below)
conda activate spapros_smk
cd spapros-smk
snakemake -n
E.g. using 8 cores
snakemake --cores 8 --use-conda --use-singularity
The following describes how to run the pipeline on a cluster (using the slurm workload manager). To run it on your cluster you might need/want to adjust the configuration file spapros-smk/config/cluster/config.yaml
In the spapros-smk
directory create a file, e.g. snakemake.sbatch
with the following content (adjust partition according to your cluster):
#SBATCH -o logs/snakemake_output_%j.txt
#SBATCH -e logs/snakemake_output_%j.txt
#SBATCH -J sp_snakemake
#SBATCH -c 1
#SBATCH --mem=4G
#SBATCH -t 3-00:00:00
#SBATCH --nice=0
#SBATCH -p cpu_p
conda activate spapros_smk
export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=<some/tmp/dir/that/exists/and/has/space>
export APPTAINER_TMPDIR=<some/tmp/dir/that/exists/and/has/space>
snakemake --profile config/cluster/
To run the full pipeline with jobs distributed over the cluster submit the main snakemake job (it continues after disconnecting from the cluster):
sbatch snakemake.sbatch
(Alternatively) It's also possible to just run the snakemake command with the cluster profile without submitting an extra job:
snakemake --profile config/cluster/
- Do not delete the files
in case you change the config.yaml for additional runs. They will be extended automatically, otherwise the new ids in the new csvs might not match to the old ones and then incorrect datasets etc. are loaded. - Extending the
with new runs is fine. Also old runs can be deleted from the config.yaml. If they were already calculated, the old results aren't deleted. - If this is confusing, you can also delete everything in the data_tmp and results folders and restart the runs. This will take longer, but you can be sure that the results are correct.
TODO: add description of config file
Surely the pipeline should just run without errors, but in case it doesn't, here are some tips how to debug it:
- Note that an evaluation summary file for a given dataset configuration is only generated when all respective selections and evaluations are finished.
- If the configuration file (
) includes many batches, it might be a good idea to add batch after batch and run the pipeline after adding each batch to simplify the debugging if necessary. - Check if rules failed and how they failed: In the
directory open the latest log file that contains"snakemake"
in the name. In this file search forError in rule
(also more specific 1. for data processingError in rule p
2. for selectionError in rule s
or 3. evaluationsError in rule e
). Check the error there or copy the job id and check the slurm log file for this job in thelogs
directory. - Do not hesitate to create a github issue in case the error is not clear or you think it's a bug. (Please include the error message and the config.yaml file in the issue)
For a given configuration the pipeline produces the same results with one exception: the scgenefit method. Following the instructions on setting the seed for the method still leads to different gene sets when rerunning the method.