After the release of emacs 24.1, I took the time to jettison an enormous quantity of elisp that had accumulated in my dotfiles since 1985. Most of the custom features implemented by that code now have analogues in the base emacs or in one of the many excellent packages available via the ELPA-compatible repositories.
If you would like to test out this configuration, clone this repo and
place it in your home directory as the directory .emacs.d
I install emacs on Mac OS X using this homebrew recipe:
$ brew cask install emacs
You might want to link to Emacs from you application folder to appear
like a normal app: brew linkapps emacs
Next, install Cask:
$ brew install cask
After installation, create a symlink pointing from your user directory to the cask folder installed by Homebrew:
$ ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/cask/`cask --version` ~/.cask
Now change to your .emacs.d
directory and use cask
to install the
package dependencies:
$ cd ~/.emacs.d
$ cask install
The Cask
file comments out melpa, which lists many dependencies in an
unstable state. But for a few dependencies, melpa is needed. Open the
file, uncomment line 4 (source melpa)
and run cask install
again to install the missing dependencies leaving all installed at
their stable version. When done, you can comment line 4 again.
Once this is complete, you should also install the Aspell spell checker, required by Flyspell:
$ brew install aspell --with-lang-en
And The Silver Searcher, required by ag:
$ brew install ag
If you would like to extend this configuration, create a
file within your .emacs.d/lisp
directory and
that file will be loaded after this configuration has been
One of the goals of this configuration is to avoid the cognitive load of switching keyboard habits between applications. Luckily, many of the default emacs control sequences are also supported by OSX text editing panels and the major shells (and can be made more comformant via one's inputrc).
The usual OSX command key bindings are mostly supported. Command-S saves, Command-F "finds" (searches forward), cut and paste, selection, and so on all operate normally. Some commands are modified so that they're the emacs semantic equivalent of their OS X counterparts. For example, Command-w "kills" (closes) the current buffer rather the window (which should be full-screen most of the time).
The emacs notation for key sequences looks like a
(press a), C-c
(control + c), M-x
("meta ex", where "meta" is the alt/option key in
this configuration) or s-a
("super a", where "super" is the command
key). So, a sequence like C-x C-f
means "hold down the control key
while pressing first 'x' then 'f'.
Ctrl-x Ctrl-f is "find file," which allows one to find files quickly
using command completion in the mini-buffer. Command-O opens a file,
but does so using a pattern-matching "find in project" function,
similar to Vim's ctrl-p
These commands both work with tramp, which is a great, great feature. One can open a file on a remote host via sftp by specifying its name like this:
Ctrl-x Ctrl-b is the command to switch the current frame (like a pane in tmux, basically a subwindow) to a buffer by name with command completion. It remembers recently open files, so it makes an easy way to open anything one has been working on without hunting around in the file system.
Split the current frame in two vertically by hitting Ctrl-x 2, horizontally by Ctrl-x 3. Close the current frame (but not the underlying buffer/file) with Ctrl-x 0. Close all but the current frame with Ctrl-x 1.
Switching between multiple visible buffers is done using the arrow
case modified by M-s
. I've set up my browsers and iTerm2 to accept
this same shortcut to move between tabs and shells.
The emacs-native navigation keys (C-b
, C-f
, C-p
, C-n
backward character, forward character, previous line, next line) are
easy and efficient once internalized, but they predate and differ from
every other system one is likely to use. This configuration prefers
the arrow keys, but maintains the (IMO) most important aspect of the
emacs philosophy of movement: the base movement keys can be amplified
with modifier keys. M-left
will move one word to the left, M-up arrow
will move up one paragraph, and so on. Of particular interest
for programming modes, C-M-left arrow
will navigate left by one
(S-expression in lisp terms, but some other "unit of code" in
other languages).
The usual OS X bindings for begin/end of line (s-left arrow
,s-right arrow
) and top/bottom of document (s-up arrow
, s-down arrow
), page up and page down, and so forth, are also supported.
Although the above key combinations provide for rapid navigation, one
should generally use them only for short movements, preferring to jump
around inside a file using search forward (both of C-s
and s-f
) or
search reverse (C-r
). Also, if the target is visible on screen,
ace-jump-mode is a
lovely. It is bound to C-space
The marvelous
visual-regexp is bound to
(and visual-query-regexp
to s-R
). These functions provide
regular expression query/replace with a live preview of matches and
replacements. The latter 'query' version iterates over the matches,
replacing ones where the user presses space
and skipping the ones
where the user presses delete
For searching across multiple files,
ag provides a simple interface
that can be invoked with M-x ag
Like the arrow keys, deletion (called "killing" in emacs) is amplified
with modifier keys. delete
does what one would expect, M-delete
deletes a word at a time, C-M-delete
deletes a paragraph at a
time. These deletions go into the kill-ring
for future yank
deletes to the right (as in other OS X inputs),
deletes to the right one word at a time, and
deletes the paragraph to the right.
Command-z is undo, Shift-Command-Z is redo. This functionality is provided by a package called undo-tree, which is similar to the vi package of the same name. It allows one to see recent changes as a decision tree and partially back out changes by choosing branches (like a mini RCS in the editor). The undo visualizer is bound to Control-Command-z.
Getting used to the idea that emacs isn't a text editor in the usual sense, but a Lisp environment where a given series of keystrokes are assigned to invoke a particular function is important in learning how to use and customize it.
The collection of functions available in emacs can be explored and invoked by typing M-x and then starting to type a known or probable function name. This will bring up the completion interface in the mini-bar, starting with the most recently executed function. One often does things like:
M-x re to complete and invoke "replace-string"
Emacs has a ubiquitous help system that allows one to find out the binding of any key, purpose of any function, and so on. Help commands start with ctrl-h (for help!), then a series of letters to indicate what kind of help is being requested. Two of the most useful forms of help for new users are variations on "describe": ctrl-h k (help -> describe keybinding) brings up a prompt that will listen for a series of keystrokes, then report what function is called by that sequence; ctrl-h f (help -> describe function) will provide a similar service for functions using a completion interface. Function descriptions will also list the shortcuts keys that are bound to that function.
Magit is a nice integrated git for emacs. There are others like it, but this one is my favorite.
SLIME, nREPL, run-ruby, run-python, and so on. There's a great deal of power when interacting with external interpretors in emacs, but it's more than I have time to write about just now. TK.
In emacs lisp, scheme and clojure modes, eval-defun
(which evaluates
the top level of the current lisp form) and eval-last-sexp
are bound
to s-enter
and s-shift-enter
respectively. In most cases the
evaluated code will flash momentarily to indicate the scope in which
the evaluation occurred. Also, short documentation for the current
function should be visible in the mini-buffer and C-c d
should pop
up further docs on the symbol at point.
Watch this video on
Expand region. This is
a feature every code editor should have. In this configuration, it's
bound to s-1
and "contract-region" is bound to s-2
If one intends to hack clojure, Common Lisp, scheme or elisp, it would be wise to get to know SmartParens, which has been added as a replacement for paredit.
Those who build the web should look into skewer-mode for live browser mind control.