Plugin designed to connect your WordPress instance with OpenSearch.
- Zero downtime reindexer using a index manager
- Search
- Admin interface - Hosts, indexables,
- Maybe using an action scheduler if large syncs hurt the site.
- Docker
- Composer
- Nodejs
- PHP - Optional to power PHP Code Sniffer for VSCode
- XDebug
- PHPUnit
If you are using VSCode, I'd suggest installing the following extensions to fully take advantage of the tools.
PHP Debug
PHP Sniffer & Beautifier
Run on Save
npm i && composer install
docker-compose build wp (only need to do this once)
docker-compose up -d
You can now access the WordPress instance at https://localhost:8080, OpenSearch at https://localhost:9200 and OpenSearch dashboards at http://localhost:5601
Install scripts for PHPUnit docker-compose exec wp install-wp-tests
docker-compose exec wp cr test # runs PHPUnit and PHPCS
docker-compose exec wp cr phpunit
docker-compose exec wp cr phpcs
docker-compose exec wp cr fix # Runs PHPCBF