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Releases: stojy/ClrVpin

8.1.0: fuzzy matching improvements

21 Sep 05:22
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  • Added *.ini files to the list of related/kindred table files, i.e. so they are correctly renamed/updated/deleted/etc when the table is changed.
  • Added support to treat kindred files as known files so they are not deleted during a clean operation when 'remove unknown files' is selected.
  • Widened 'new version screen' to accommodate for displaying large images.


  • Fixed some original tables that are incorrectly identified as manufactured.
  • Added option to automaticaly fix some tables that are incorrectly identified as VPX but should be FP.
  • Gracefully handle 'no network' connection. Previously this would cause the app to crash and raise a bug report.


  • Added more fuzzy matching scenarios. e.g. ignore the word 'logo' when parsing wheel images.
  • Improved UI performance when switching folders/content-types.


  • Added autopov.pov to the list of default known files to prevent it from being deleted as an 'unknown file' when cleaning POV content collection.

Full Changelog: 8.0.0...8.1.0

8.0.0: feeder filtering and pup

13 Sep 13:40
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  1. Added multi-threaded support for improved performance when performing fuzzy matching, merger, feeder, cleaner, and explorer operations. This should improve performance in orders of magnitude of approximately 100-300%.
  2. Progress bar improvements..
    1. Added a progress counter, e.g. "1 of 100".
    2. Fixed the rounded corner transparency.


  1. Added support for PuP-Packs (Pinup Player Packs) similar to the ROM support added in an earlier release.
    1. Extracting the PuP name from the VPX table script.
    2. Update the DB with the PuP Pack names.
    3. Editable (or just viewable) via the 'update table' dialog


  1. Filtering improvements..
    1. Replaced several single-option selections with multi-choice selections.
      e.g. 'table/technology' type can be specified with any combinations of options instead of just one.
    2. Removed the redundant 'select/clear all' button.
    3. Added new 'features' filter options..
      1. Standard
      2. Black & White Mod
      3. FSS (Full Single Screen).
      4. Patch
    4. Added support for table filtering where the technology type is unknown. i.e. not SS, EM, or PM.
    5. Replaced 'toggle buttons' with 'choice chips' for better consistency with Material UI guidelines.
    6. Renamed various filtering option titles and values.
    7. Split into two sections to make their purpose clearer..
      1. General Filters 1. common filtering options that are applied to tables. e.g. manufactured, age, etc.
      2. File Filters 1. filtering options that apply to individual files that belong to the table, e.g. backglasses updated within 30days that are full
    8. Dynamically enable/disable 'features' based on the 'content' type.
      e.g. disable 'full DMD' filter option if 'backglasses' content type is not selected.
  2. Display detail improvements..
    1. Highlight the updated file with green border. Previously only the URL download button was highlighted, but this is always available in the case of tables without a valid download URL.
  3. Fuzzy matching improvements..
    1. No longer rely on the IPDB identifier to de-duplication tables. Required because this caused erratic behavior for tables that have the incorrect/shared IPDB identifier.
    2. Added IPDB support for PinballX users.
    3. Added 'jukebox only' support for 'music mod'.
    4. Added support for stripping all diacritics from table names. For example "crème brûlée" is converted to "creme brulee".
  4. Fixes..
    1. Filtering option 'VR only' no longer includes 'VR supported'.
    2. Correctly highlight the selected content tab.
    3. Only highlight the file collections that have updated files which also matches the selected file types.
    4. Only navigate to the first file collection with an update that matches the selected file type.
    5. Correctly apply the 'Updated' time range to each individual file with every file collection. Previously this was only applied at the table level.
    6. Some tables that were incorrectly identified as manufactured instead of original.



  1. Fuzzy matching improvements..
    1. Added support for stripping all diacritics from file names. For example "crème brûlée" is converted to "creme brulee".
    2. Improved version number parsing.
    3. Improved camel case file name parsing to cater for files that also include numbers.
    4. Added new authors.
    5. Added new aliases to cater for additional 'standard' abbreviations.
  2. Added new option to 'ignore if file invalid'. This is intended to filter any corrupted files.

Full Changelog: 7.2.0...8.0.0

7.2.0: bug submission improvements

30 Apr 11:01
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  • Various improvements to the automated bug submissions.


  • Cater for scenario where a folder only has read only access.


  • Cater for scenario where a folder only has read only access.

What's Changed

  • Issue #60 - improvements to automated bug submission by @stojy in #63

Full Changelog: 7.1.0...7.2.0

7.1.0: roms and cli

29 Apr 03:08
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  • Added CLI (command line interface) to support some functionality from the command line without the GUI (graphical user interface). Currently supports ROM name extraction from the table sacript. Refer wiki and the following command to view the help.

    clrvpin /?

  • Improved auto update support by identifying releases as 'pre-release'. Pre-release will be ignored by default when checking for updated versions unless explicitly opted in via the new setting "check for updates including pre-release".


  • Added a new feature to support ROMs..
    • Extracting the ROM name from the VPX table script.

    • Special handling for tables that are known not to support ROMS, e.g. PM (pure mechanical), EM (electro mechanical), and SS (soid state) where ROM support wasn't implemented

    • Update the DB with the ROM names.



  • Removed the database ROM name updating via the feed (since this was unreliable) in preference to the more accurate explorer feature (refer above).
  • Added a few more feed corrections, e.g. table name 'Saloon'.


7.0.1: version updater

02 Apr 14:32
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  • Version check update improvements..
    • Prevent concurrent checks from occurring by disabling the 'check for update' button.
    • Handle scenario where version check can fail, e.g. network unavailable, github down, etc.
    • Identify pre-release version in the update details dialog.
  • Fixed content alignment of the statistics results windows to be top aligned (previously centred).
  • Added border surrounding the notifiation pop-up to make it easier to distnguish against a dark background window.

Full Changelog: 7.0.0...7.0.1

7.0.0: explorer and rebrand

01 Apr 11:31
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  • Explorer is a new feature to explore your collection..
    • Identify missing and out of date content - e.g. missing wheel, out of date table video, etc.
    • Apply customizable filters to locate the table(s) of interest.
    • View and edit all of the table information stored in your database.
    • Open the content to see how it looks/sounds/etc - e.g. open images, play videos, listen to table audio, etc.


  • Rebranded feature names to better describe their purpose..
    • Feeder (previously Importer) - check online feeds for updated content.
    • Merger (previously Rebuilder) - merge updated content into collection.
    • Cleaner (previously Scanner) - clean existing collection content (e.g. after merge).
  • Enhanced Settings..
    • Added wizards to automatically assign folders based on detected product installations: Visual Pinball X, Pinball Y, and Pinball X.
    • Categorize folders as either critical or non-critical. Non-critical folders (e.g. table videos) that are missing are no longer required to use Merger, Cleaner, or Explorer. Specifically, this is designed to cater for Pinball Y where the folders aren't created until content is added.
  • Updated visuals..
    • Larger buttons, text, tool tips, etc.
    • More consistent button 'traffic light' color usage - red: error, orange: warning: green: success, blue: info.
    • Fixed dynamic tool tips that weren't updating correctly so an application restart is no longer required.
  • Miscellaneous performance improvements and bug fixes.


  • Added optional 'exclude filters' to ignore content updates for specified features - e.g. VR only, sound mod, etc.
  • Fixed grid row selection so it works when clicking empty margin space above and below the text.


  • Added support for new fuzzy logic content matching scenarios. For example, additional acronyms such as TOTAN (tales of the arabian nights), new authors, different version formats, etc.
  • Improved fuzzy logic to better handle scenario where identical confidence scores are generated for multiple database matches.


  • Dropped 'explorer' window and migrated it to the new stand alone feature 'Explorer' (refer above).

Full Changelog: 6.4.0...7.0.0

6.4.0: importer filtering

19 Nov 06:03
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  • Enhanced the fuzzy matching to support database name matches against the source file/feed to consider the overall shortest table name length.
    • Previously this was constrained to a minimum of 8 characters.
    • If the source file/feed includes a matching manufacturer/year, then the overall fuzzy matching success rate will increase.
    • For example, a 100% success rate is now achieved when matching the 'standard' database names against the manufactured table/backglass file content released in the past 4 weeks (November 2022). Note, the Importer 'Overwrite All Info' feature can be used to automatically update the database to use the 'standard' names.


  • Added a 'dynamic filtering' toggle to enable/disable the automatic population of the filtering drop down lists with values based on the displayed filtered list of tables. This feature is disabled by default (previously enabled).
  • Fixed some filtering options that weren't working correctly for unmatched tables.
    • 'From Year' and 'To Year' were previously ignored.
    • Tables names in the drop down incorrectly included the manufacturer/year.
  • Added extra tooltip information for the filtering criteria to better explain their purpose. The tooltips are available by hovering the mouse over the filtering option.
  • Changed the display order of the "DMDs" tab from 5th position to 3rd position, i.e. located directly after the "Backglasses" tab.

Full Changelog: 6.3.1...6.4.0

6.3.1: unmatched table display

15 Nov 15:01
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  • Fixed a display issue where unmatched tables were displayed in lower case without the manufacturer/year details.

Full Changelog: 6.3.0...6.3.1

6.3.0: fuzzy matching improvements

15 Nov 13:56
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  • Changed home page to use a transparent background without a title bar.


  • Improvements/additions to the fuzzy logic matching algorithms..
    • Extended known 'authors' list.
    • Added known 'description' list, e.g. 'upgrade', 'mod'.
    • Added an 'alias' concept to cater for some unique edge case tables, e.g. Big Injun = Big Indian, GOTG = Guardians Of The Galaxy, etc.
    • Improved parsing of file/feed names that don't use the regular format where the manufacturer/year doesn't reside within parenthesis.
    • Added another 'second chance' matching option for file/feed names that contain details within parenthesis that are neither manufaturer or year, e.g. "(Limited Edition)".
    • Lowered match score if the manufacturer is absent or different.
  • Fixes to the VPS feed..
    • Table names, e.g. Captain Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboy, Captain Nemo, etc.
    • Table Urls, e.g. Big Indian, etc.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 6.2.0...6.3.0

6.2.0: importer visual and stability improvements

07 Nov 15:06
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  • Fixed the 'yesterday' quick filter preset option.
  • Fixed window image handling for tables that contain a null image Url, e.g. Amigo.
  • Fixed window image handling for tables that contain an empty image Url.
  • Fixed window image popup glow effect to use the correct corner radius.
  • Increased the size of the image popup windows.
  • Fixed an edge case scenario where rapidly opening/closing the image preview window can cause a windowing error.
  • Fixed unresponive UI visual when a 'global window update' occurs, e.g. UAC prompt from another action/application.
    • Prior to the fix, the user interaction (e.g. mouse click) would be correctly processed, but the UI would not update to reflect the change. e.g. selecting an empty checkbox would not place the 'tick' in the box.
    • The underlying issue appears to be in the Material library and the 'workaround' requires the home page to not be hidden from the windows stack, i.e. always available via the task bar.
    • The home page is now displayed in the background (with the buttons disabled) whilst the child windows (e.g. importer) are active.
    • Automatically center (and recenter if applicable) the home screen and child windows to ensure the home screen is always obscured by the child window(s).

Full Changelog: 6.1.0...6.2.0