用兩根手指欣賞貓咪圖片 🤞
- 瀏覽數千張貓咪圖片
- 單擊儲存喜歡的圖片,並在畫廊中欣賞
- 單擊分享圖片
- 快取:已下載的圖片會暫存在快取資料夾,加速App啟動的速度
- 新用戶教學流程
- 可調的漸層背景
- 支援深色外觀
- 支援iPad
- 支援語言:英文、正體中文
- Mixed Design Pattern: MVC, Delegate, Singleton, Notification
- Restful API
- JSON decoding and parsing
- UserDefaults, Core Data, File Manager
- Cache
- UIKit
- AutoLayout
- NSLocalisedString
- Source Version Control: Git
- Automated Unit & UI Test w/ 74% coverage and increasing...
All cat images used in this App are provided by TheCatAPI. Please refer to https://thecatapi.com/ for more info.
If any issue was spotted within this project, feel free to raise an issue ticket and I'll look into it when I get spared time.