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LOKI detector system embedded controller

For detailed documentation, see the LOKI Wiki

This repository is designed to either:

  1. Build an application-specific LOKI image when used as a submodule
  2. Build the recovery image (typically destined for module flash, and used for self-test / commissioning)

Repository Contents

  • share,,, Automatic configuration of the project based on hardware selection, application-specific configuration and application hardware/software layers.
  • design: The firmware and low-level software design project, used for linking the software processing system to package pins, and including application-specific hardware designs.
  • os: The PetaLinux Embedded Linux project, used for building the final system image and providing configuration and all software dependencies for odin-control based detector systems.
  • loki-recovery, MakefileRecovery: Serves as a base and example application configuration, which builds an image with some self-test capability.

Building the recovery image

The recovery image uses a standalone makefile -MakefileRecovery- that will build the project without being a submodule.

To build the image:

make -f MakefileRecovery

The image outputs will be built to os/petalinux-custom/images/linux/. To upload these files to a board, see Booting, Configuring and Updating Systems.

Create an Application Project with LOKI as a Submodule

See the LOKI Wiki