Changes between 1.0 and 1.1
Improved INSTALLER edge cases handling (fixing issue #1 ). Now if an error occurs, the script will be stopped
Fixed webserver detection in cases when the secure version of the server hides the information
Removed --no-styled-output parameter from curl calls to improve compatibility
Added a cleanup script that deletes the downloaded dependencies
Migrated to Python's virtualenv to avoid changes to any custom system configuration
Fixed HSTS detection (previously checking the main domain and not the target one)
Fixed hostname handling
Introduced highlighted Attack Trees as new verbosity level (-v 3)
Added CVE and CVSS score to the attack description
Changed the default report folder (now ./Report)
Added Dockerfile to simplify a container deployment
Added subdomain scan (-d|--domain)
Added bulk scan (-l|--list)
Added code snippets for nginx (thanks to @matteounitn )
Various bug fixes
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