Releases: steveiliop56/getashell
GetAShell v1.1.3
Hello everyone, this is a small release fixing some issues with the Dockerfiles to ensure every ssh box can be accessed by password authentication.
- Make sure all ssh boxes have the ssh directory created
- Make sure password authentication is enabled on all ssh boxes
Release v1.1.3-beta.2
Release v1.1.3-beta.1
GetAShell v1.1.2
Wassuppppp, new update! Dependencies again...BUT some fixes to the dockerfiles
like Amazon Linux where I fixed a teeny tiny bug that wouldn't change the password...
Anyway here is the full list:
- Bump dependencies
- Fix issues in dockerfiles
Release v1.1.2-beta.1
GetAShell v1.1.1
Hello! That's just a dependency update as I promised : ).
- Bump dependencies
GetAShell v1.1.0
Sooo another update on getashell! Not something extremely major but now now the users are storred
in the database and the app also has a sign up screen so no need for the environment variables (except
the SECRET_KEY thats still required). From now on getashell won't get a lot of updates, one update per month
with mostly dependency updates, that's because getashell is complete! I don't have anything else to add to it and I will
probably start a new project to play around. The project will not be unmaintained and I will be active on github
to accept pull requests and fix issues. If you have an idea for the app, open an issue : )
New Features
- The app now has a sign up screen and it stores data on the database
- Splitted the queries to different file (e.g. auth, shell etc) for easier access
- Bumped dependencies
- Refactored the queries, shell and port classes a bit
- Added e2e tests for the sign up page
Release v1.1.0-beta.1
Release v1.1.0-alpha.1
GetAShell v1.0.0
⚠️ Breaking Update⚠️
Sooo here is another update for get a shell. A breaking one! It's been a bit since the last update, not much changed in this one but it has a new cool feature! Authentication! So you can now keep your shell secureee. For now you have to set your username and password in the environment but in the future I will make a sign up page : ). Here is the full list:
New Features
- The app has now a sign in page with credentials configured as environment variables
- I added a docker compose file : )
- The app now has e2e testing with playwright so I can test the app before publishing (less hotfixes lol)
- All the server actions use next-safe-action so they are well...better!
- Moved different files around including making some files not services because they don't need to be services
- Remove the Async suffix from functions for smaller function names
Bug fixes
- Small fix in CI that would make it fail if no Dockerfiles changed
To update you need to include 3 new environment variables in your docker run command, USERNAME
which will be your username to sign in, PASSWORD
which will be your password to sign in and SECRET_KEY
which is essentially the app jwt token encrypting your connection every time you sign in, make sure this is 32+ characters else the authentication will not work.