A multilingual website (English / Greek) built with Quarto and babelquartp. Deployed using GitHub Pages.
- 🌖 Light / Dark mode
- 🖌️️ Use Bootstrap to make cards
- 🔍 Add 404 page
- 📎 Remove .html endings on several links using folders containing quarto files named as index.qmd
- 🖊 Use Google fonts locally instead of using Google Fonts API (Alegreya)
- 🌐 Multilinguality (🇬🇧 / 🇬🇷)
- 🪄 Custom highlight style (a11y-light / a11y-dark)
- giscus dark theme not rendering sometimes (Related Issue #8613)
- Visualizations filtering or change based on dark / light theme (Possible Solution)