Update README.md #167
42 tests run, 27 passed, 2 skipped, 13 failed.
Check failure on line 22 in tests/chat_models/test_openai.py
github-actions / Production Test Results
steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
Raw output
client = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...space_id='44A267E2-C142-471E-9BC3-2E4891D68CEE', workspace_handle='prime-land-zp1x9', profile='test', request_id=None))
def test_chat_openai(client: Steamship) -> None:
"""Test ChatOpenAI wrapper."""
chat = ChatOpenAI(client=client, max_tokens=10)
message = HumanMessage(content="Hello")
> response = chat([message])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:195: in __call__
generation = self.generate(
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:95: in generate
raise e
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:87: in generate
results = [
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:88: in <listcomp>
self._generate(m, stop=stop, run_manager=run_manager, **kwargs)
src/steamship_langchain/chat_models/openai.py:223: in _generate
messages = self._complete(messages=message_dicts, **params)
src/steamship_langchain/chat_models/openai.py:202: in _complete
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:268: in wait
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:313: in refresh
resp = self.client.post("task/status", payload=req, expect=self.expect)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:579: in post
return self.call(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...space_id='44A267E2-C142-471E-9BC3-2E4891D68CEE', workspace_handle='prime-land-zp1x9', profile='test', request_id=None))
verb = <Verb.POST: 'POST'>, operation = 'task/status'
payload = TaskStatusRequest(task_id='119526DB-38B3-488D-A305-91165AA493DF')
file = None
expect = <class 'steamship.data.operations.generator.GenerateResponse'>
debug = False, raw_response = False, is_package_call = False
package_owner = None, package_id = None, package_instance_id = None
as_background_task = False, wait_on_tasks = None, timeout_s = None
task_delay_ms = None
def call( # noqa: C901
verb: Verb,
operation: str,
payload: Union[Request, dict, bytes] = None,
file: Any = None,
expect: Type[T] = None,
debug: bool = False,
raw_response: bool = False,
is_package_call: bool = False,
package_owner: str = None,
package_id: str = None,
package_instance_id: str = None,
as_background_task: bool = False,
wait_on_tasks: List[Union[str, Task]] = None,
timeout_s: Optional[float] = None,
task_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[
Any, Task
]: # TODO (enias): I would like to list all possible return types using interfaces instead of Any
"""Post to the Steamship API.
All responses have the format::
.. code-block:: json
"data": "<actual response>",
"error": {"reason": "<message>"}
} # noqa: RST203
For the Python client we return the contents of the `data` field if present, and we raise an exception
if the `error` field is filled in.
# TODO (enias): Review this codebase
url = self._url(
headers = self._headers(
data = self._prepare_data(payload=payload)
f"Making {verb} to {url} in workspace {self.config.workspace_handle}/{self.config.workspace_id}"
if verb == Verb.POST:
if file is not None:
files = self._prepare_multipart_data(data, file)
resp = self._session.post(url, files=files, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
if isinstance(data, bytes):
resp = self._session.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
resp = self._session.post(url, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
elif verb == Verb.GET:
resp = self._session.get(url, params=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
raise Exception(f"Unsupported verb: {verb}")
logging.debug(f"From {verb} to {url} got HTTP {resp.status_code}")
if debug is True:
logging.debug(f"Got response {resp}")
response_data = self._response_data(resp, raw_response=raw_response)
logging.debug(f"Response JSON {response_data}")
task = None
error = None
if isinstance(response_data, dict):
if "status" in response_data:
task = Task.parse_obj(
{**response_data["status"], "client": self, "expect": expect}
if "state" in response_data["status"]:
if response_data["status"]["state"] == "failed":
error = SteamshipError.from_dict(response_data["status"])
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}")
except TypeError as e:
# There's an edge case here -- if a Steamship package returns the JSON dictionary
# { "status": "status string" }
# Then the above handler will attempt to parse it and throw... But we don't actually want to throw
# since we don't take a strong opinion on what the response type of a package endpoint ought to be.
# It *may* choose to conform to the SteamshipResponse<T> type, but it doesn't have to.
if not is_package_call:
raise e
if task is not None and task.state == TaskState.failed:
error = task.as_error()
if "data" in response_data:
if expect is not None:
if issubclass(expect, SteamshipError):
data = expect.from_dict({**response_data["data"], "client": self})
elif issubclass(expect, BaseModel):
data = expect.parse_obj(
self._add_client_to_response(expect, response_data["data"])
raise RuntimeError(f"obj of type {expect} does not have a from_dict method")
data = response_data["data"]
if task:
task.output = data
data = response_data
data = response_data
if error is not None:
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}", exc_info=error)
> raise error
E steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:537: SteamshipError
Check failure on line 33 in tests/chat_models/test_openai.py
github-actions / Production Test Results
steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
Raw output
client = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...space_id='6F474A75-C9CD-4B6F-973D-FA6380AD0CD4', workspace_handle='needed-fog-x5j0s', profile='test', request_id=None))
def test_chat_openai_system_message(client: Steamship) -> None:
"""Test ChatOpenAI wrapper with system message."""
chat = ChatOpenAI(client=client, max_tokens=10)
system_message = SystemMessage(content="You are to chat with the user.")
human_message = HumanMessage(content="Hello")
> response = chat([system_message, human_message])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:195: in __call__
generation = self.generate(
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:95: in generate
raise e
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:87: in generate
results = [
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:88: in <listcomp>
self._generate(m, stop=stop, run_manager=run_manager, **kwargs)
src/steamship_langchain/chat_models/openai.py:223: in _generate
messages = self._complete(messages=message_dicts, **params)
src/steamship_langchain/chat_models/openai.py:202: in _complete
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:268: in wait
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:313: in refresh
resp = self.client.post("task/status", payload=req, expect=self.expect)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:579: in post
return self.call(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...space_id='6F474A75-C9CD-4B6F-973D-FA6380AD0CD4', workspace_handle='needed-fog-x5j0s', profile='test', request_id=None))
verb = <Verb.POST: 'POST'>, operation = 'task/status'
payload = TaskStatusRequest(task_id='D4F2FA85-B640-4780-859E-146AF6A03C1A')
file = None
expect = <class 'steamship.data.operations.generator.GenerateResponse'>
debug = False, raw_response = False, is_package_call = False
package_owner = None, package_id = None, package_instance_id = None
as_background_task = False, wait_on_tasks = None, timeout_s = None
task_delay_ms = None
def call( # noqa: C901
verb: Verb,
operation: str,
payload: Union[Request, dict, bytes] = None,
file: Any = None,
expect: Type[T] = None,
debug: bool = False,
raw_response: bool = False,
is_package_call: bool = False,
package_owner: str = None,
package_id: str = None,
package_instance_id: str = None,
as_background_task: bool = False,
wait_on_tasks: List[Union[str, Task]] = None,
timeout_s: Optional[float] = None,
task_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[
Any, Task
]: # TODO (enias): I would like to list all possible return types using interfaces instead of Any
"""Post to the Steamship API.
All responses have the format::
.. code-block:: json
"data": "<actual response>",
"error": {"reason": "<message>"}
} # noqa: RST203
For the Python client we return the contents of the `data` field if present, and we raise an exception
if the `error` field is filled in.
# TODO (enias): Review this codebase
url = self._url(
headers = self._headers(
data = self._prepare_data(payload=payload)
f"Making {verb} to {url} in workspace {self.config.workspace_handle}/{self.config.workspace_id}"
if verb == Verb.POST:
if file is not None:
files = self._prepare_multipart_data(data, file)
resp = self._session.post(url, files=files, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
if isinstance(data, bytes):
resp = self._session.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
resp = self._session.post(url, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
elif verb == Verb.GET:
resp = self._session.get(url, params=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
raise Exception(f"Unsupported verb: {verb}")
logging.debug(f"From {verb} to {url} got HTTP {resp.status_code}")
if debug is True:
logging.debug(f"Got response {resp}")
response_data = self._response_data(resp, raw_response=raw_response)
logging.debug(f"Response JSON {response_data}")
task = None
error = None
if isinstance(response_data, dict):
if "status" in response_data:
task = Task.parse_obj(
{**response_data["status"], "client": self, "expect": expect}
if "state" in response_data["status"]:
if response_data["status"]["state"] == "failed":
error = SteamshipError.from_dict(response_data["status"])
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}")
except TypeError as e:
# There's an edge case here -- if a Steamship package returns the JSON dictionary
# { "status": "status string" }
# Then the above handler will attempt to parse it and throw... But we don't actually want to throw
# since we don't take a strong opinion on what the response type of a package endpoint ought to be.
# It *may* choose to conform to the SteamshipResponse<T> type, but it doesn't have to.
if not is_package_call:
raise e
if task is not None and task.state == TaskState.failed:
error = task.as_error()
if "data" in response_data:
if expect is not None:
if issubclass(expect, SteamshipError):
data = expect.from_dict({**response_data["data"], "client": self})
elif issubclass(expect, BaseModel):
data = expect.parse_obj(
self._add_client_to_response(expect, response_data["data"])
raise RuntimeError(f"obj of type {expect} does not have a from_dict method")
data = response_data["data"]
if task:
task.output = data
data = response_data
data = response_data
if error is not None:
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}", exc_info=error)
> raise error
E steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:537: SteamshipError
Check failure on line 43 in tests/chat_models/test_openai.py
github-actions / Production Test Results
steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
Raw output
client = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...pace_id='11767CA6-855D-40AC-B3D1-8D4254E533CB', workspace_handle='expert-bike-c6wd1', profile='test', request_id=None))
def test_chat_openai_generate(client: Steamship) -> None:
"""Test ChatOpenAI wrapper with generate."""
chat = ChatOpenAI(client=client, max_tokens=10, n=2)
message = HumanMessage(content="Hello")
> response = chat.generate([[message], [message]])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:95: in generate
raise e
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:87: in generate
results = [
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:88: in <listcomp>
self._generate(m, stop=stop, run_manager=run_manager, **kwargs)
src/steamship_langchain/chat_models/openai.py:223: in _generate
messages = self._complete(messages=message_dicts, **params)
src/steamship_langchain/chat_models/openai.py:202: in _complete
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:268: in wait
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:313: in refresh
resp = self.client.post("task/status", payload=req, expect=self.expect)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:579: in post
return self.call(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...pace_id='11767CA6-855D-40AC-B3D1-8D4254E533CB', workspace_handle='expert-bike-c6wd1', profile='test', request_id=None))
verb = <Verb.POST: 'POST'>, operation = 'task/status'
payload = TaskStatusRequest(task_id='9751DCA3-8B2A-40DF-A15C-E9D9C2291DC9')
file = None
expect = <class 'steamship.data.operations.generator.GenerateResponse'>
debug = False, raw_response = False, is_package_call = False
package_owner = None, package_id = None, package_instance_id = None
as_background_task = False, wait_on_tasks = None, timeout_s = None
task_delay_ms = None
def call( # noqa: C901
verb: Verb,
operation: str,
payload: Union[Request, dict, bytes] = None,
file: Any = None,
expect: Type[T] = None,
debug: bool = False,
raw_response: bool = False,
is_package_call: bool = False,
package_owner: str = None,
package_id: str = None,
package_instance_id: str = None,
as_background_task: bool = False,
wait_on_tasks: List[Union[str, Task]] = None,
timeout_s: Optional[float] = None,
task_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[
Any, Task
]: # TODO (enias): I would like to list all possible return types using interfaces instead of Any
"""Post to the Steamship API.
All responses have the format::
.. code-block:: json
"data": "<actual response>",
"error": {"reason": "<message>"}
} # noqa: RST203
For the Python client we return the contents of the `data` field if present, and we raise an exception
if the `error` field is filled in.
# TODO (enias): Review this codebase
url = self._url(
headers = self._headers(
data = self._prepare_data(payload=payload)
f"Making {verb} to {url} in workspace {self.config.workspace_handle}/{self.config.workspace_id}"
if verb == Verb.POST:
if file is not None:
files = self._prepare_multipart_data(data, file)
resp = self._session.post(url, files=files, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
if isinstance(data, bytes):
resp = self._session.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
resp = self._session.post(url, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
elif verb == Verb.GET:
resp = self._session.get(url, params=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
raise Exception(f"Unsupported verb: {verb}")
logging.debug(f"From {verb} to {url} got HTTP {resp.status_code}")
if debug is True:
logging.debug(f"Got response {resp}")
response_data = self._response_data(resp, raw_response=raw_response)
logging.debug(f"Response JSON {response_data}")
task = None
error = None
if isinstance(response_data, dict):
if "status" in response_data:
task = Task.parse_obj(
{**response_data["status"], "client": self, "expect": expect}
if "state" in response_data["status"]:
if response_data["status"]["state"] == "failed":
error = SteamshipError.from_dict(response_data["status"])
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}")
except TypeError as e:
# There's an edge case here -- if a Steamship package returns the JSON dictionary
# { "status": "status string" }
# Then the above handler will attempt to parse it and throw... But we don't actually want to throw
# since we don't take a strong opinion on what the response type of a package endpoint ought to be.
# It *may* choose to conform to the SteamshipResponse<T> type, but it doesn't have to.
if not is_package_call:
raise e
if task is not None and task.state == TaskState.failed:
error = task.as_error()
if "data" in response_data:
if expect is not None:
if issubclass(expect, SteamshipError):
data = expect.from_dict({**response_data["data"], "client": self})
elif issubclass(expect, BaseModel):
data = expect.parse_obj(
self._add_client_to_response(expect, response_data["data"])
raise RuntimeError(f"obj of type {expect} does not have a from_dict method")
data = response_data["data"]
if task:
task.output = data
data = response_data
data = response_data
if error is not None:
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}", exc_info=error)
> raise error
E steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:537: SteamshipError
Check failure on line 59 in tests/chat_models/test_openai.py
github-actions / Production Test Results
steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
Raw output
client = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...pace_id='4FDF07E3-3ED6-4221-9307-A4A1DEE845A6', workspace_handle='prompt-leaf-94b9g', profile='test', request_id=None))
def test_chat_openai_multiple_completions(client: Steamship) -> None:
"""Test ChatOpenAI wrapper with multiple completions."""
chat = ChatOpenAI(client=client, max_tokens=10, n=5)
message = HumanMessage(content="Hello")
> response = chat._generate([message])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
src/steamship_langchain/chat_models/openai.py:223: in _generate
messages = self._complete(messages=message_dicts, **params)
src/steamship_langchain/chat_models/openai.py:202: in _complete
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:268: in wait
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:313: in refresh
resp = self.client.post("task/status", payload=req, expect=self.expect)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:579: in post
return self.call(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...pace_id='4FDF07E3-3ED6-4221-9307-A4A1DEE845A6', workspace_handle='prompt-leaf-94b9g', profile='test', request_id=None))
verb = <Verb.POST: 'POST'>, operation = 'task/status'
payload = TaskStatusRequest(task_id='E29FA2A2-44F1-4F3E-ACC4-F2851193E973')
file = None
expect = <class 'steamship.data.operations.generator.GenerateResponse'>
debug = False, raw_response = False, is_package_call = False
package_owner = None, package_id = None, package_instance_id = None
as_background_task = False, wait_on_tasks = None, timeout_s = None
task_delay_ms = None
def call( # noqa: C901
verb: Verb,
operation: str,
payload: Union[Request, dict, bytes] = None,
file: Any = None,
expect: Type[T] = None,
debug: bool = False,
raw_response: bool = False,
is_package_call: bool = False,
package_owner: str = None,
package_id: str = None,
package_instance_id: str = None,
as_background_task: bool = False,
wait_on_tasks: List[Union[str, Task]] = None,
timeout_s: Optional[float] = None,
task_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[
Any, Task
]: # TODO (enias): I would like to list all possible return types using interfaces instead of Any
"""Post to the Steamship API.
All responses have the format::
.. code-block:: json
"data": "<actual response>",
"error": {"reason": "<message>"}
} # noqa: RST203
For the Python client we return the contents of the `data` field if present, and we raise an exception
if the `error` field is filled in.
# TODO (enias): Review this codebase
url = self._url(
headers = self._headers(
data = self._prepare_data(payload=payload)
f"Making {verb} to {url} in workspace {self.config.workspace_handle}/{self.config.workspace_id}"
if verb == Verb.POST:
if file is not None:
files = self._prepare_multipart_data(data, file)
resp = self._session.post(url, files=files, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
if isinstance(data, bytes):
resp = self._session.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
resp = self._session.post(url, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
elif verb == Verb.GET:
resp = self._session.get(url, params=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
raise Exception(f"Unsupported verb: {verb}")
logging.debug(f"From {verb} to {url} got HTTP {resp.status_code}")
if debug is True:
logging.debug(f"Got response {resp}")
response_data = self._response_data(resp, raw_response=raw_response)
logging.debug(f"Response JSON {response_data}")
task = None
error = None
if isinstance(response_data, dict):
if "status" in response_data:
task = Task.parse_obj(
{**response_data["status"], "client": self, "expect": expect}
if "state" in response_data["status"]:
if response_data["status"]["state"] == "failed":
error = SteamshipError.from_dict(response_data["status"])
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}")
except TypeError as e:
# There's an edge case here -- if a Steamship package returns the JSON dictionary
# { "status": "status string" }
# Then the above handler will attempt to parse it and throw... But we don't actually want to throw
# since we don't take a strong opinion on what the response type of a package endpoint ought to be.
# It *may* choose to conform to the SteamshipResponse<T> type, but it doesn't have to.
if not is_package_call:
raise e
if task is not None and task.state == TaskState.failed:
error = task.as_error()
if "data" in response_data:
if expect is not None:
if issubclass(expect, SteamshipError):
data = expect.from_dict({**response_data["data"], "client": self})
elif issubclass(expect, BaseModel):
data = expect.parse_obj(
self._add_client_to_response(expect, response_data["data"])
raise RuntimeError(f"obj of type {expect} does not have a from_dict method")
data = response_data["data"]
if task:
task.output = data
data = response_data
data = response_data
if error is not None:
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}", exc_info=error)
> raise error
E steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:537: SteamshipError
Check failure on line 72 in tests/chat_models/test_openai.py
github-actions / Production Test Results
steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
Raw output
client = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...space_id='7E38BE95-2191-4F01-9775-C6E74DCE08CC', workspace_handle='rare-prize-bkizv', profile='test', request_id=None))
def test_chat_openai_llm_output_contains_model_name(client: Steamship) -> None:
"""Test llm_output contains model_name."""
chat = ChatOpenAI(client=client, max_tokens=10)
message = HumanMessage(content="Hello")
> llm_result = chat.generate([[message]])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:95: in generate
raise e
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:87: in generate
results = [
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:88: in <listcomp>
self._generate(m, stop=stop, run_manager=run_manager, **kwargs)
src/steamship_langchain/chat_models/openai.py:223: in _generate
messages = self._complete(messages=message_dicts, **params)
src/steamship_langchain/chat_models/openai.py:202: in _complete
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:268: in wait
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:313: in refresh
resp = self.client.post("task/status", payload=req, expect=self.expect)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:579: in post
return self.call(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...space_id='7E38BE95-2191-4F01-9775-C6E74DCE08CC', workspace_handle='rare-prize-bkizv', profile='test', request_id=None))
verb = <Verb.POST: 'POST'>, operation = 'task/status'
payload = TaskStatusRequest(task_id='0688D975-A8C8-4360-8B04-FBE2BE7BF00C')
file = None
expect = <class 'steamship.data.operations.generator.GenerateResponse'>
debug = False, raw_response = False, is_package_call = False
package_owner = None, package_id = None, package_instance_id = None
as_background_task = False, wait_on_tasks = None, timeout_s = None
task_delay_ms = None
def call( # noqa: C901
verb: Verb,
operation: str,
payload: Union[Request, dict, bytes] = None,
file: Any = None,
expect: Type[T] = None,
debug: bool = False,
raw_response: bool = False,
is_package_call: bool = False,
package_owner: str = None,
package_id: str = None,
package_instance_id: str = None,
as_background_task: bool = False,
wait_on_tasks: List[Union[str, Task]] = None,
timeout_s: Optional[float] = None,
task_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[
Any, Task
]: # TODO (enias): I would like to list all possible return types using interfaces instead of Any
"""Post to the Steamship API.
All responses have the format::
.. code-block:: json
"data": "<actual response>",
"error": {"reason": "<message>"}
} # noqa: RST203
For the Python client we return the contents of the `data` field if present, and we raise an exception
if the `error` field is filled in.
# TODO (enias): Review this codebase
url = self._url(
headers = self._headers(
data = self._prepare_data(payload=payload)
f"Making {verb} to {url} in workspace {self.config.workspace_handle}/{self.config.workspace_id}"
if verb == Verb.POST:
if file is not None:
files = self._prepare_multipart_data(data, file)
resp = self._session.post(url, files=files, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
if isinstance(data, bytes):
resp = self._session.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
resp = self._session.post(url, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
elif verb == Verb.GET:
resp = self._session.get(url, params=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
raise Exception(f"Unsupported verb: {verb}")
logging.debug(f"From {verb} to {url} got HTTP {resp.status_code}")
if debug is True:
logging.debug(f"Got response {resp}")
response_data = self._response_data(resp, raw_response=raw_response)
logging.debug(f"Response JSON {response_data}")
task = None
error = None
if isinstance(response_data, dict):
if "status" in response_data:
task = Task.parse_obj(
{**response_data["status"], "client": self, "expect": expect}
if "state" in response_data["status"]:
if response_data["status"]["state"] == "failed":
error = SteamshipError.from_dict(response_data["status"])
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}")
except TypeError as e:
# There's an edge case here -- if a Steamship package returns the JSON dictionary
# { "status": "status string" }
# Then the above handler will attempt to parse it and throw... But we don't actually want to throw
# since we don't take a strong opinion on what the response type of a package endpoint ought to be.
# It *may* choose to conform to the SteamshipResponse<T> type, but it doesn't have to.
if not is_package_call:
raise e
if task is not None and task.state == TaskState.failed:
error = task.as_error()
if "data" in response_data:
if expect is not None:
if issubclass(expect, SteamshipError):
data = expect.from_dict({**response_data["data"], "client": self})
elif issubclass(expect, BaseModel):
data = expect.parse_obj(
self._add_client_to_response(expect, response_data["data"])
raise RuntimeError(f"obj of type {expect} does not have a from_dict method")
data = response_data["data"]
if task:
task.output = data
data = response_data
data = response_data
if error is not None:
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}", exc_info=error)
> raise error
E steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:537: SteamshipError
Check failure on line 82 in tests/chat_models/test_openai.py
github-actions / Production Test Results
steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
Raw output
client = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...ce_id='95B5CF2F-26F1-4A5E-8D5D-F5D86BF8A3E5', workspace_handle='merry-tsunami-4dyaj', profile='test', request_id=None))
def test_chat_openai_streaming_llm_output_contains_model_name(client: Steamship) -> None:
"""Test llm_output contains model_name."""
chat = ChatOpenAI(client=client, max_tokens=10, streaming=True)
message = HumanMessage(content="Hello")
> llm_result = chat.generate([[message]])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:95: in generate
raise e
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:87: in generate
results = [
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/chat_models/base.py:88: in <listcomp>
self._generate(m, stop=stop, run_manager=run_manager, **kwargs)
src/steamship_langchain/chat_models/openai.py:223: in _generate
messages = self._complete(messages=message_dicts, **params)
src/steamship_langchain/chat_models/openai.py:202: in _complete
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:268: in wait
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:313: in refresh
resp = self.client.post("task/status", payload=req, expect=self.expect)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:579: in post
return self.call(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...ce_id='95B5CF2F-26F1-4A5E-8D5D-F5D86BF8A3E5', workspace_handle='merry-tsunami-4dyaj', profile='test', request_id=None))
verb = <Verb.POST: 'POST'>, operation = 'task/status'
payload = TaskStatusRequest(task_id='C861EBD9-FEED-45DD-997B-4394B224B26A')
file = None
expect = <class 'steamship.data.operations.generator.GenerateResponse'>
debug = False, raw_response = False, is_package_call = False
package_owner = None, package_id = None, package_instance_id = None
as_background_task = False, wait_on_tasks = None, timeout_s = None
task_delay_ms = None
def call( # noqa: C901
verb: Verb,
operation: str,
payload: Union[Request, dict, bytes] = None,
file: Any = None,
expect: Type[T] = None,
debug: bool = False,
raw_response: bool = False,
is_package_call: bool = False,
package_owner: str = None,
package_id: str = None,
package_instance_id: str = None,
as_background_task: bool = False,
wait_on_tasks: List[Union[str, Task]] = None,
timeout_s: Optional[float] = None,
task_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[
Any, Task
]: # TODO (enias): I would like to list all possible return types using interfaces instead of Any
"""Post to the Steamship API.
All responses have the format::
.. code-block:: json
"data": "<actual response>",
"error": {"reason": "<message>"}
} # noqa: RST203
For the Python client we return the contents of the `data` field if present, and we raise an exception
if the `error` field is filled in.
# TODO (enias): Review this codebase
url = self._url(
headers = self._headers(
data = self._prepare_data(payload=payload)
f"Making {verb} to {url} in workspace {self.config.workspace_handle}/{self.config.workspace_id}"
if verb == Verb.POST:
if file is not None:
files = self._prepare_multipart_data(data, file)
resp = self._session.post(url, files=files, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
if isinstance(data, bytes):
resp = self._session.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
resp = self._session.post(url, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
elif verb == Verb.GET:
resp = self._session.get(url, params=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
raise Exception(f"Unsupported verb: {verb}")
logging.debug(f"From {verb} to {url} got HTTP {resp.status_code}")
if debug is True:
logging.debug(f"Got response {resp}")
response_data = self._response_data(resp, raw_response=raw_response)
logging.debug(f"Response JSON {response_data}")
task = None
error = None
if isinstance(response_data, dict):
if "status" in response_data:
task = Task.parse_obj(
{**response_data["status"], "client": self, "expect": expect}
if "state" in response_data["status"]:
if response_data["status"]["state"] == "failed":
error = SteamshipError.from_dict(response_data["status"])
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}")
except TypeError as e:
# There's an edge case here -- if a Steamship package returns the JSON dictionary
# { "status": "status string" }
# Then the above handler will attempt to parse it and throw... But we don't actually want to throw
# since we don't take a strong opinion on what the response type of a package endpoint ought to be.
# It *may* choose to conform to the SteamshipResponse<T> type, but it doesn't have to.
if not is_package_call:
raise e
if task is not None and task.state == TaskState.failed:
error = task.as_error()
if "data" in response_data:
if expect is not None:
if issubclass(expect, SteamshipError):
data = expect.from_dict({**response_data["data"], "client": self})
elif issubclass(expect, BaseModel):
data = expect.parse_obj(
self._add_client_to_response(expect, response_data["data"])
raise RuntimeError(f"obj of type {expect} does not have a from_dict method")
data = response_data["data"]
if task:
task.output = data
data = response_data
data = response_data
if error is not None:
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}", exc_info=error)
> raise error
E steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:537: SteamshipError
Check failure on line 21 in tests/chat_models/test_openai.py
github-actions / Production Test Results
AssertionError: assert 'Generation failed.' == 'Hello'
- Hello
+ Generation failed.
Raw output
client = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...'F9AA0672-0916-4324-B114-9BE86C5315B8', workspace_handle='resilient-resonance-i9008', profile='test', request_id=None))
def test_openai(client: Steamship):
"""Basic tests of the OpenAI plugin wrapper."""
llm_under_test = OpenAI(client=client, temperature=0)
# simple prompt
prompt = "Please respond with a simple 'Hello'"
generated = llm_under_test(prompt=prompt)
assert len(generated) != 0
> assert generated.strip() == "Hello"
E AssertionError: assert 'Generation failed.' == 'Hello'
E - Hello
E + Generation failed.
tests/llms/test_openai.py:21: AssertionError
Check failure on line 54 in tests/chat_models/test_openai.py
github-actions / Production Test Results
AssertionError: assert 1 == 30
+ where 1 = len([[Generation(text='Generation failed.', generation_info=None)]])
+ where [[Generation(text='Generation failed.', generation_info=None)]] = LLMResult(generations=[[Generation(text='Generation failed.', generation_info=None)]], llm_output={'token_usage': {}}, run=RunInfo(run_id=UUID('379db9b7-9ebc-4bd5-b37c-0fc95b0dd511'))).generations
Raw output
client = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...ace_id='516EEC6E-F36F-447D-A165-D724B92A54F5', workspace_handle='wooden-waves-kzhve', profile='test', request_id=None))
def test_openai_batching(client: Steamship):
"""Basic tests of the OpenAI plugin wrapper batching behavior."""
# single option generation
llm_under_test = OpenAI(client=client, temperature=0)
# batched prompts -- needs to exceed the max batch_size (of 20)
prompts = ["Tell me a joke", "Tell me a poem"] * 15
generated = llm_under_test.generate(prompts=prompts)
assert len(generated.generations) != 0
> assert len(generated.generations) == 30
E AssertionError: assert 1 == 30
E + where 1 = len([[Generation(text='Generation failed.', generation_info=None)]])
E + where [[Generation(text='Generation failed.', generation_info=None)]] = LLMResult(generations=[[Generation(text='Generation failed.', generation_info=None)]], llm_output={'token_usage': {}}, run=RunInfo(run_id=UUID('379db9b7-9ebc-4bd5-b37c-0fc95b0dd511'))).generations
tests/llms/test_openai.py:54: AssertionError
Check failure on line 66 in tests/chat_models/test_openai.py
github-actions / Production Test Results
AssertionError: assert 1 == 10
+ where 1 = len([[Generation(text='Generation failed.', generation_info=None)]])
+ where [[Generation(text='Generation failed.', generation_info=None)]] = LLMResult(generations=[[Generation(text='Generation failed.', generation_info=None)]], llm_output={'token_usage': {}}, run=RunInfo(run_id=UUID('7c011478-03a2-4ca4-973e-09d6cb444e75'))).generations
Raw output
client = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...pace_id='EB10AFD3-4146-417C-A14D-0F0A1B145856', workspace_handle='useful-moon-2tdt3', profile='test', request_id=None))
def test_openai_multiple_completions(client: Steamship):
"""Basic tests of the OpenAI plugin wrapper number of completions behavior."""
llm_under_test = OpenAI(client=client, temperature=0.8, n=3, best_of=3)
prompts = ["Tell me a joke", "Tell me a poem"] * 5
generated = llm_under_test.generate(prompts=prompts)
assert len(generated.generations) != 0
> assert len(generated.generations) == 10
E AssertionError: assert 1 == 10
E + where 1 = len([[Generation(text='Generation failed.', generation_info=None)]])
E + where [[Generation(text='Generation failed.', generation_info=None)]] = LLMResult(generations=[[Generation(text='Generation failed.', generation_info=None)]], llm_output={'token_usage': {}}, run=RunInfo(run_id=UUID('7c011478-03a2-4ca4-973e-09d6cb444e75'))).generations
tests/llms/test_openai.py:66: AssertionError
Check failure on line 130 in tests/chat_models/test_openai.py
github-actions / Production Test Results
steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
Raw output
client = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...ce_id='DE6072FF-366A-43DA-A0AB-6066D1D7099D', workspace_handle='august-winter-17akq', profile='test', request_id=None))
def test_openai_chat_llm(client: Steamship) -> None:
"""Test Chat version of the LLM"""
llm = OpenAIChat(client=client)
> llm_result = llm.generate(
prompts=["Please print the words of the Pledge of Allegiance"], stop=["flag", "Flag"]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/llms/base.py:203: in generate
raise e
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/llms/base.py:199: in generate
else self._generate(prompts, stop=stop, **kwargs)
src/steamship_langchain/llms/openai.py:285: in _generate
generated_text = self._completion(messages=messages, **params)
src/steamship_langchain/llms/openai.py:280: in _completion
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:268: in wait
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:313: in refresh
resp = self.client.post("task/status", payload=req, expect=self.expect)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:579: in post
return self.call(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...ce_id='DE6072FF-366A-43DA-A0AB-6066D1D7099D', workspace_handle='august-winter-17akq', profile='test', request_id=None))
verb = <Verb.POST: 'POST'>, operation = 'task/status'
payload = TaskStatusRequest(task_id='28C95652-C910-4C9B-A66A-BB7439CB5EFD')
file = None
expect = <class 'steamship.data.operations.generator.GenerateResponse'>
debug = False, raw_response = False, is_package_call = False
package_owner = None, package_id = None, package_instance_id = None
as_background_task = False, wait_on_tasks = None, timeout_s = None
task_delay_ms = None
def call( # noqa: C901
verb: Verb,
operation: str,
payload: Union[Request, dict, bytes] = None,
file: Any = None,
expect: Type[T] = None,
debug: bool = False,
raw_response: bool = False,
is_package_call: bool = False,
package_owner: str = None,
package_id: str = None,
package_instance_id: str = None,
as_background_task: bool = False,
wait_on_tasks: List[Union[str, Task]] = None,
timeout_s: Optional[float] = None,
task_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[
Any, Task
]: # TODO (enias): I would like to list all possible return types using interfaces instead of Any
"""Post to the Steamship API.
All responses have the format::
.. code-block:: json
"data": "<actual response>",
"error": {"reason": "<message>"}
} # noqa: RST203
For the Python client we return the contents of the `data` field if present, and we raise an exception
if the `error` field is filled in.
# TODO (enias): Review this codebase
url = self._url(
headers = self._headers(
data = self._prepare_data(payload=payload)
f"Making {verb} to {url} in workspace {self.config.workspace_handle}/{self.config.workspace_id}"
if verb == Verb.POST:
if file is not None:
files = self._prepare_multipart_data(data, file)
resp = self._session.post(url, files=files, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
if isinstance(data, bytes):
resp = self._session.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
resp = self._session.post(url, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
elif verb == Verb.GET:
resp = self._session.get(url, params=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
raise Exception(f"Unsupported verb: {verb}")
logging.debug(f"From {verb} to {url} got HTTP {resp.status_code}")
if debug is True:
logging.debug(f"Got response {resp}")
response_data = self._response_data(resp, raw_response=raw_response)
logging.debug(f"Response JSON {response_data}")
task = None
error = None
if isinstance(response_data, dict):
if "status" in response_data:
task = Task.parse_obj(
{**response_data["status"], "client": self, "expect": expect}
if "state" in response_data["status"]:
if response_data["status"]["state"] == "failed":
error = SteamshipError.from_dict(response_data["status"])
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}")
except TypeError as e:
# There's an edge case here -- if a Steamship package returns the JSON dictionary
# { "status": "status string" }
# Then the above handler will attempt to parse it and throw... But we don't actually want to throw
# since we don't take a strong opinion on what the response type of a package endpoint ought to be.
# It *may* choose to conform to the SteamshipResponse<T> type, but it doesn't have to.
if not is_package_call:
raise e
if task is not None and task.state == TaskState.failed:
error = task.as_error()
if "data" in response_data:
if expect is not None:
if issubclass(expect, SteamshipError):
data = expect.from_dict({**response_data["data"], "client": self})
elif issubclass(expect, BaseModel):
data = expect.parse_obj(
self._add_client_to_response(expect, response_data["data"])
raise RuntimeError(f"obj of type {expect} does not have a from_dict method")
data = response_data["data"]
if task:
task.output = data
data = response_data
data = response_data
if error is not None:
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}", exc_info=error)
> raise error
E steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:537: SteamshipError
Check failure on line 152 in tests/chat_models/test_openai.py
github-actions / Production Test Results
steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
Raw output
client = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...pace_id='D4DB3BD7-A459-4C64-88BD-49117EFE2012', workspace_handle='social-bath-2xi4k', profile='test', request_id=None))
def test_openai_chat_llm_with_prefixed_messages(client: Steamship) -> None:
"""Test Chat version of the LLM"""
messages = [
"role": "system",
"content": "You are EchoGPT. For every prompt you receive, you reply with the exact same text.",
{"role": "user", "content": "This is a test."},
{"role": "assistant", "content": "This is a test."},
llm = OpenAIChat(client=client, prefix_messages=messages)
> llm_result = llm.generate(prompts=["What is the meaning of life?"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/llms/base.py:203: in generate
raise e
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/llms/base.py:199: in generate
else self._generate(prompts, stop=stop, **kwargs)
src/steamship_langchain/llms/openai.py:285: in _generate
generated_text = self._completion(messages=messages, **params)
src/steamship_langchain/llms/openai.py:280: in _completion
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:268: in wait
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:313: in refresh
resp = self.client.post("task/status", payload=req, expect=self.expect)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:579: in post
return self.call(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...pace_id='D4DB3BD7-A459-4C64-88BD-49117EFE2012', workspace_handle='social-bath-2xi4k', profile='test', request_id=None))
verb = <Verb.POST: 'POST'>, operation = 'task/status'
payload = TaskStatusRequest(task_id='47347B4D-D6BE-4CF0-86F1-C5897D7B14DD')
file = None
expect = <class 'steamship.data.operations.generator.GenerateResponse'>
debug = False, raw_response = False, is_package_call = False
package_owner = None, package_id = None, package_instance_id = None
as_background_task = False, wait_on_tasks = None, timeout_s = None
task_delay_ms = None
def call( # noqa: C901
verb: Verb,
operation: str,
payload: Union[Request, dict, bytes] = None,
file: Any = None,
expect: Type[T] = None,
debug: bool = False,
raw_response: bool = False,
is_package_call: bool = False,
package_owner: str = None,
package_id: str = None,
package_instance_id: str = None,
as_background_task: bool = False,
wait_on_tasks: List[Union[str, Task]] = None,
timeout_s: Optional[float] = None,
task_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[
Any, Task
]: # TODO (enias): I would like to list all possible return types using interfaces instead of Any
"""Post to the Steamship API.
All responses have the format::
.. code-block:: json
"data": "<actual response>",
"error": {"reason": "<message>"}
} # noqa: RST203
For the Python client we return the contents of the `data` field if present, and we raise an exception
if the `error` field is filled in.
# TODO (enias): Review this codebase
url = self._url(
headers = self._headers(
data = self._prepare_data(payload=payload)
f"Making {verb} to {url} in workspace {self.config.workspace_handle}/{self.config.workspace_id}"
if verb == Verb.POST:
if file is not None:
files = self._prepare_multipart_data(data, file)
resp = self._session.post(url, files=files, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
if isinstance(data, bytes):
resp = self._session.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
resp = self._session.post(url, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
elif verb == Verb.GET:
resp = self._session.get(url, params=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
raise Exception(f"Unsupported verb: {verb}")
logging.debug(f"From {verb} to {url} got HTTP {resp.status_code}")
if debug is True:
logging.debug(f"Got response {resp}")
response_data = self._response_data(resp, raw_response=raw_response)
logging.debug(f"Response JSON {response_data}")
task = None
error = None
if isinstance(response_data, dict):
if "status" in response_data:
task = Task.parse_obj(
{**response_data["status"], "client": self, "expect": expect}
if "state" in response_data["status"]:
if response_data["status"]["state"] == "failed":
error = SteamshipError.from_dict(response_data["status"])
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}")
except TypeError as e:
# There's an edge case here -- if a Steamship package returns the JSON dictionary
# { "status": "status string" }
# Then the above handler will attempt to parse it and throw... But we don't actually want to throw
# since we don't take a strong opinion on what the response type of a package endpoint ought to be.
# It *may* choose to conform to the SteamshipResponse<T> type, but it doesn't have to.
if not is_package_call:
raise e
if task is not None and task.state == TaskState.failed:
error = task.as_error()
if "data" in response_data:
if expect is not None:
if issubclass(expect, SteamshipError):
data = expect.from_dict({**response_data["data"], "client": self})
elif issubclass(expect, BaseModel):
data = expect.parse_obj(
self._add_client_to_response(expect, response_data["data"])
raise RuntimeError(f"obj of type {expect} does not have a from_dict method")
data = response_data["data"]
if task:
task.output = data
data = response_data
data = response_data
if error is not None:
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}", exc_info=error)
> raise error
E steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:537: SteamshipError
Check failure on line 172 in tests/chat_models/test_openai.py
github-actions / Production Test Results
steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
Raw output
client = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...ace_id='064F84CB-80B5-46F7-BA29-41EE131B71B3', workspace_handle='wanted-coast-fi97b', profile='test', request_id=None))
def test_openai_llm_with_chat_model_init(client: Steamship) -> None:
"""Test Chat version of the LLM, with old init style"""
messages = [
"role": "system",
"content": "You are EchoGPT. For every prompt you receive, you reply with the exact same text.",
{"role": "user", "content": "This is a test."},
{"role": "assistant", "content": "This is a test."},
llm = OpenAI(client=client, prefix_messages=messages, model_name="gpt-4")
> llm_result = llm.generate(prompts=["What is the meaning of life?"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/llms/base.py:203: in generate
raise e
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/llms/base.py:199: in generate
else self._generate(prompts, stop=stop, **kwargs)
src/steamship_langchain/llms/openai.py:285: in _generate
generated_text = self._completion(messages=messages, **params)
src/steamship_langchain/llms/openai.py:280: in _completion
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:268: in wait
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:313: in refresh
resp = self.client.post("task/status", payload=req, expect=self.expect)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:579: in post
return self.call(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...ace_id='064F84CB-80B5-46F7-BA29-41EE131B71B3', workspace_handle='wanted-coast-fi97b', profile='test', request_id=None))
verb = <Verb.POST: 'POST'>, operation = 'task/status'
payload = TaskStatusRequest(task_id='0F0766B1-BDB6-459B-B692-D7FC01BACC33')
file = None
expect = <class 'steamship.data.operations.generator.GenerateResponse'>
debug = False, raw_response = False, is_package_call = False
package_owner = None, package_id = None, package_instance_id = None
as_background_task = False, wait_on_tasks = None, timeout_s = None
task_delay_ms = None
def call( # noqa: C901
verb: Verb,
operation: str,
payload: Union[Request, dict, bytes] = None,
file: Any = None,
expect: Type[T] = None,
debug: bool = False,
raw_response: bool = False,
is_package_call: bool = False,
package_owner: str = None,
package_id: str = None,
package_instance_id: str = None,
as_background_task: bool = False,
wait_on_tasks: List[Union[str, Task]] = None,
timeout_s: Optional[float] = None,
task_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[
Any, Task
]: # TODO (enias): I would like to list all possible return types using interfaces instead of Any
"""Post to the Steamship API.
All responses have the format::
.. code-block:: json
"data": "<actual response>",
"error": {"reason": "<message>"}
} # noqa: RST203
For the Python client we return the contents of the `data` field if present, and we raise an exception
if the `error` field is filled in.
# TODO (enias): Review this codebase
url = self._url(
headers = self._headers(
data = self._prepare_data(payload=payload)
f"Making {verb} to {url} in workspace {self.config.workspace_handle}/{self.config.workspace_id}"
if verb == Verb.POST:
if file is not None:
files = self._prepare_multipart_data(data, file)
resp = self._session.post(url, files=files, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
if isinstance(data, bytes):
resp = self._session.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
resp = self._session.post(url, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
elif verb == Verb.GET:
resp = self._session.get(url, params=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
raise Exception(f"Unsupported verb: {verb}")
logging.debug(f"From {verb} to {url} got HTTP {resp.status_code}")
if debug is True:
logging.debug(f"Got response {resp}")
response_data = self._response_data(resp, raw_response=raw_response)
logging.debug(f"Response JSON {response_data}")
task = None
error = None
if isinstance(response_data, dict):
if "status" in response_data:
task = Task.parse_obj(
{**response_data["status"], "client": self, "expect": expect}
if "state" in response_data["status"]:
if response_data["status"]["state"] == "failed":
error = SteamshipError.from_dict(response_data["status"])
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}")
except TypeError as e:
# There's an edge case here -- if a Steamship package returns the JSON dictionary
# { "status": "status string" }
# Then the above handler will attempt to parse it and throw... But we don't actually want to throw
# since we don't take a strong opinion on what the response type of a package endpoint ought to be.
# It *may* choose to conform to the SteamshipResponse<T> type, but it doesn't have to.
if not is_package_call:
raise e
if task is not None and task.state == TaskState.failed:
error = task.as_error()
if "data" in response_data:
if expect is not None:
if issubclass(expect, SteamshipError):
data = expect.from_dict({**response_data["data"], "client": self})
elif issubclass(expect, BaseModel):
data = expect.parse_obj(
self._add_client_to_response(expect, response_data["data"])
raise RuntimeError(f"obj of type {expect} does not have a from_dict method")
data = response_data["data"]
if task:
task.output = data
data = response_data
data = response_data
if error is not None:
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}", exc_info=error)
> raise error
E steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:537: SteamshipError
Check failure on line 193 in tests/chat_models/test_openai.py
github-actions / Production Test Results
steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
Raw output
client = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...ace_id='7477A0F6-97B8-4CFC-9C86-E4E0FD0E78F3', workspace_handle='real-volcano-duzgq', profile='test', request_id=None))
def test_openai_large_context(client: Steamship):
"""Basic tests of the OpenAIChat plugin wrapper for large context models."""
llm_under_test = OpenAIChat(client=client, model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo-16k", temperature=0.8)
long_prompt = (
'Complete the following short story. The child screamed "'
+ "AHHHHH" * 5000
+ '" when they saw the'
prompts = [long_prompt]
> generated = llm_under_test.generate(prompts=prompts)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/llms/base.py:203: in generate
raise e
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/langchain/llms/base.py:199: in generate
else self._generate(prompts, stop=stop, **kwargs)
src/steamship_langchain/llms/openai.py:285: in _generate
generated_text = self._completion(messages=messages, **params)
src/steamship_langchain/llms/openai.py:280: in _completion
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:268: in wait
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/tasks.py:313: in refresh
resp = self.client.post("task/status", payload=req, expect=self.expect)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:579: in post
return self.call(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = Steamship(config=Configuration(api_key=SecretStr('**********'), api_base=AnyHttpUrl('https://api.steamship.com/api/v1/...ace_id='7477A0F6-97B8-4CFC-9C86-E4E0FD0E78F3', workspace_handle='real-volcano-duzgq', profile='test', request_id=None))
verb = <Verb.POST: 'POST'>, operation = 'task/status'
payload = TaskStatusRequest(task_id='DF3C279A-2E88-4951-8748-EC49C78C486F')
file = None
expect = <class 'steamship.data.operations.generator.GenerateResponse'>
debug = False, raw_response = False, is_package_call = False
package_owner = None, package_id = None, package_instance_id = None
as_background_task = False, wait_on_tasks = None, timeout_s = None
task_delay_ms = None
def call( # noqa: C901
verb: Verb,
operation: str,
payload: Union[Request, dict, bytes] = None,
file: Any = None,
expect: Type[T] = None,
debug: bool = False,
raw_response: bool = False,
is_package_call: bool = False,
package_owner: str = None,
package_id: str = None,
package_instance_id: str = None,
as_background_task: bool = False,
wait_on_tasks: List[Union[str, Task]] = None,
timeout_s: Optional[float] = None,
task_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[
Any, Task
]: # TODO (enias): I would like to list all possible return types using interfaces instead of Any
"""Post to the Steamship API.
All responses have the format::
.. code-block:: json
"data": "<actual response>",
"error": {"reason": "<message>"}
} # noqa: RST203
For the Python client we return the contents of the `data` field if present, and we raise an exception
if the `error` field is filled in.
# TODO (enias): Review this codebase
url = self._url(
headers = self._headers(
data = self._prepare_data(payload=payload)
f"Making {verb} to {url} in workspace {self.config.workspace_handle}/{self.config.workspace_id}"
if verb == Verb.POST:
if file is not None:
files = self._prepare_multipart_data(data, file)
resp = self._session.post(url, files=files, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
if isinstance(data, bytes):
resp = self._session.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
resp = self._session.post(url, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
elif verb == Verb.GET:
resp = self._session.get(url, params=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_s)
raise Exception(f"Unsupported verb: {verb}")
logging.debug(f"From {verb} to {url} got HTTP {resp.status_code}")
if debug is True:
logging.debug(f"Got response {resp}")
response_data = self._response_data(resp, raw_response=raw_response)
logging.debug(f"Response JSON {response_data}")
task = None
error = None
if isinstance(response_data, dict):
if "status" in response_data:
task = Task.parse_obj(
{**response_data["status"], "client": self, "expect": expect}
if "state" in response_data["status"]:
if response_data["status"]["state"] == "failed":
error = SteamshipError.from_dict(response_data["status"])
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}")
except TypeError as e:
# There's an edge case here -- if a Steamship package returns the JSON dictionary
# { "status": "status string" }
# Then the above handler will attempt to parse it and throw... But we don't actually want to throw
# since we don't take a strong opinion on what the response type of a package endpoint ought to be.
# It *may* choose to conform to the SteamshipResponse<T> type, but it doesn't have to.
if not is_package_call:
raise e
if task is not None and task.state == TaskState.failed:
error = task.as_error()
if "data" in response_data:
if expect is not None:
if issubclass(expect, SteamshipError):
data = expect.from_dict({**response_data["data"], "client": self})
elif issubclass(expect, BaseModel):
data = expect.parse_obj(
self._add_client_to_response(expect, response_data["data"])
raise RuntimeError(f"obj of type {expect} does not have a from_dict method")
data = response_data["data"]
if task:
task.output = data
data = response_data
data = response_data
if error is not None:
logging.warning(f"Client received error from server: {error}", exc_info=error)
> raise error
E steamship.base.error.SteamshipError: [ERROR - POST /determineOutputBlockTypes] Model may not be overridden in options
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/steamship/base/client.py:537: SteamshipError