at Demonstration for ISER2016
Real Robot Movie:
Rviz Movie:
How to run the Pick task
# Launch nodes to control robot.
baxter@sheeta $ roslaunch jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc baxter.launch
# Launch nodes in recognition pipeline for pick task.
baxter@sheeta $ roslaunch jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc setup_for_pick.launch
# optional: Check sanity.
baxter@sheeta $ rosrun jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc check_sanity_setup_for_pick
# Run task!
baxter@sheeta $ roslaunch jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc main.launch json:=$(rospack find jsk_apc2016_common)/json/apc_pick_task_robocup2016.json
# even if you pass rviz:=false to main.launch, you need to launch yes_no_button.
baxter@sheeta $ rosrun jsk_2016_01_baxter_apc yes_no_button