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Steven Sheffey edited this page Feb 10, 2017 · 4 revisions

The purpose of the Timechange project is to design an open source software tool that simplifies as much as possible the task of sophisticated ML analysis of time series data. Moreover, Timechange will be unique in that it will serve as a one stop shop solution for data input, pre-processing, and transformation, as well as training and evaluation of state-of-the-art deep learning methods. The focus with regards to the design of this system during the Spring 2017 Software Engineering course, will be on the implementation of features that will allow the system to generate images from transformed time series data (Fig. 1), and then to use these images to train a deep learning model such as a convolutional neural network.

Customer Segments

Who might use Timechange? People with…

  • casual interest in ML, but little or no knowledge of programming
  • plenty of programming knowledge, but no time to write the code
  • genuine need for a time-series-to-image conversion tool
  • expertise in ML who simply want fast, preliminary results
  • need for new types of features because they have exhausted the use of time domain features
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