The file ‘’ is an hours tracker that calculates weekly payment amounts for hourly workers such as babysitters, tutors, etc.
It allows the user to enter the hours worked each day. At the end of the week, a printout of the daily hours is provided, as well as a total. The user sets the wage amount and a total payment is provided.
- IMPORTANT: Visit the “Building and Installing” section at this page to install the ZeroMQ Python library. This is the command:
pip install pyzmq
- Then, simply run ‘’ and input information as requested.
Visit After installing pyzmq, open the following files found in this repository:
- request_list.json
- Run ''
- Run ''
- Open 'request_list.json' to see the record of all weeks' hours and payments.
Clear 'request_list.json' before running a fresh instance of the program.
Email Jessi at [email protected].