Application description
- Retrieve a portion of data from API (see in your Variant) and store it in a database
- Update data on demand
- Update DB schema if needed on app’s update
- Display any portion of the data stored in the DB
- Provide a method to trigger data update process
- Choose Database type and data scheme in a suitable manner.
- Data must be stored in a persistent way
- It’s better to use cloud native DB solutions like an RDS/AzureSQL/CloudSQL.
Docker commands
docker build -f '.\Dockerfile.backend' -t backend . --no-cache
docker build -f '.\Dockerfile.frontend' -t frontend . --no-cache
#for test dockerfile
docker run --rm -it /bin/sh
docker-compose down
docker image prune -f
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up --detach
dotnet publish .\diplomapp\backend\backend.csproj -c Release
dotnet publish .\diplomapp\frontend\frontend.csproj -c Release
dotnet build sln .\diplomapp\diplomapp.sln
Git commands
gh pr view
gh pr create --base master --title "some feature" --body "ready"
git fetch -p
git tag
git push --tag
git tag --delete 1.0.1
git push --delete origin tagname
git merge --abort