- f6f5afe: Fix command usages (#540) (@GokceGK)
- b69663f: Fix multi-table pager display (#551) (@vicentepinto98)
- a3a0754: Fix: Kubeconfig not written when output format is json (#553) (@marceljk)
- c5b3de6: Fixes for image sub commands (#564) (@bahkauv70)
- 5d5ae24: Improve README! (#558) (@vicentepinto98)
- 5ba6565: Onboard "region" global flag for region-specific requests (#550) (@marceljk)
- b39e32c: Support for IaaS images (#559) (@bahkauv70)
- e004f9d: fix(deps): update module github.com/goccy/go-yaml to v1.15.13 (#546) (@stackit-pipeline)
- 16b1699: fix(deps): update module github.com/mattn/go-colorable to v0.1.14 (#554) (@stackit-pipeline)
- 3d5a916: fix(deps): update module github.com/stackitcloud/stackit-sdk-go/services/authorization to v0.5.1 (#565) (@stackit-pipeline)
- bc4c8c6: fix(deps): update module github.com/stackitcloud/stackit-sdk-go/services/serverbackup to v0.5.0 (#560) (@stackit-pipeline)
- a3fca07: fix(deps): update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.25.0 (#548) (@stackit-pipeline)
- 66226f5: fix(deps): update module golang.org/x/term to v0.28.0 (#549) (@stackit-pipeline)
- 2090c14: fix(deps): update stackit sdk modules (#547) (@stackit-pipeline)
- 135cb02: fix(deps): update stackit sdk modules (#555) (@stackit-pipeline)
- 674d387: fix: deprecated endpoints for validating ske service state (#562) (@marceljk)