- d01bfef: Add commands to attach/detach public IP from servers (#518) (@joaopalet)
- ad62c1e: Extend network commands with new fields (#517) (@GokceGK)
- 9859f26: Onboard IaaS Public IP commands (#513) (@GokceGK)
- f6c73fa: fix(deps): update kubernetes packages to v0.31.3 (#478) (@stackit-pipeline)
- 4d04901: fix(deps): update module github.com/goccy/go-yaml to v1.15.6 (#515) (@stackit-pipeline)
- e548694: fix(deps): update module github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty/v6 to v6.6.3 (#516) (@stackit-pipeline)
- 97acbaa: fix(deps): update module golang.org/x/term to v0.27.0 (#520) (@stackit-pipeline)
- b9be7a6: fix(deps): update module golang.org/x/text to v0.21.0 (#521) (@stackit-pipeline)