我留意到由长沙开发者科技有限公司旗下北京创新乐知网络技术有限公司(CSDN (https://www.csdn.net/) 运营方)及重庆开源共创科技有限公司 所搭建的 GitCode 代码托管平台在未告知我的情况下镜像了我于 GitHub 平台的ssp97账号 的数个活跃仓库、工单及合并请求。
我在此声明:https://gitcode.com/ssp97 和我本人没有任何关系。
GitCode 平台上的上述组织与我无关,上述行为属于对我名义的冒用,我从未获知及同意该做法。
Upon being alerted by community friends,
I have noticed that several active repositories, issues, and pull requests,
from my ssp97 account on the GitHub platform have been mirrored without my knowledge on the GitCode code hosting platform, operated by 北京创新乐知网络技术有限公司 (CSDN operator), under the umbrella of 长沙开发者科技有限公司; and 重庆开源共创科技有限公司
I hereby declare: https://gitcode.com/ssp97 has no affiliation with me.
The aforementioned organizations on the GitCode platform are unrelated to me, and their actions constitute an unauthorized use of my name.
I have never been informed of or consented to this practice.
Given that the platform published the mirror in my name without respecting my wishes, I strongly condemn this behavior and publicly announce it.
Furthermore, I am NOT responsible for any code contributions on this platform and will not address any user inquiries or complaints related to it.
Since the content on this platform was not published by me, I DO NOT assume any responsibility for any related content on this platform.