This app helps us archive all posts from a facebook group along with its metadata and generate analytics to improve user involvement.
- Archives posts, comments, likes from the group
- Parses out links from posts and sends it to kippt
- Create table statements for tables - posts, comments, likes, links, user, user_points
- Functions to insert into / update tables - posts, comments, likes, links
- Functions to create users and calculate points for each user - user, user_points
- Should run every 'few' minutes to update the database
- Basically calls along with the facebook graph api url
- Fetches all of the posts in the group since its beginning - for first time update.
- This script is run for the first time to update User db with group members
- The Facebook API only returns ~5000 members, so ensures daily updates of the User table
- This cron is run daily to update the User table
- Fetches top 50 users(recently added) from the facebook group member list and adds them to the user table
- To cope for the old missed out users because of ~5000 limit of the API it finds users in user_points not in user table, and populates their details
- facebook group links - graph api url and members list fql url
- location of info log and error log files
- mysql database configuration
- kippt configuration
- cronjob interval (in minutes)
python config/<properties_filename>.cfg
python config/<properties_filename>.cfg
python config/<properties_filename>.cfg
python config/<properties_filename>.cfg [facebook group graph api url(optional)]