3.4.x | Graphql Smoke Tests | Graphql Webflux #50
on: schedule
Graphql Webflux App Test
1m 13s
Graphql Webflux Native App Test
3m 57s
Graphql Webflux Test
1m 13s
Graphql Webflux Native Test
4m 40s
4 warnings
Graphql Webflux App Test / appTest / appTest
Unhandled error in Gradle post-action - job will continue: Error: Cache upload failed because file read failed with EBADF: bad file descriptor, read
Graphql Webflux App Test / appTest / appTest
Unhandled error in Gradle post-action - job will continue: Error: Cache upload failed because file read failed with EBADF: bad file descriptor, read
Graphql Webflux App Test / appTest / appTest
Failed to save cache entry with path '/home/runner/.gradle/caches/modules-*/files-*/*/*/*/*' and key: gradle-dependen***es-v1-efbaae6aef6a0241b4e4530d3ec12aa4: Error: Cache service responded with 429 during upload chunk.
Graphql Webflux Test / test / test
Failed to save cache entry with path '/home/runner/.gradle/caches,/home/runner/.gradle/notifications,/home/runner/.gradle/.setup-gradle' and key: gradle-home-v1|Linux|smoke_test[26084d44b95966fa7f9aaa491c8fdcb6]-a10921362ee67fd604630ae0b033e80ae7431e79: Error: Cache service responded with 429 during upload chunk.