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Laravel Logcrawler Client

Software License PHP from Packagist Downloads StyleCI


You will need a free account on Logcrawler Server to be able to use your logcrawler-key here 😉


First things first, require the package

composer require spresnac/logcrawler-client

Second, publish the default config file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=logcrawlerclient-config


Next, edit your .env so you can put your Logcrawler project key


After this, edit your /config/logging and append this at channels:

Laravel up to 5.7 (including):

'channels' => [
    'logcrawler' => [
        'driver' => 'monolog',
        'level' => 'debug',
        'handler' => LogCrawler::class,
        'handler_with' => [
            'host' => config('logcrawler.url'),
            'key' => config('logcrawler.key'),

Laravel 5.8+ and 6.x:

'channels' => [
    'logcrawler' => [
        'driver' => 'monolog',
        'level' => 'debug',
        'handler' => LogCrawler::class,
        'with' => [
            'host' => config('logcrawler.url'),
            'key' => config('logcrawler.key'),

Last thing, add the logcrawler channel to your selected channel, example:

'stack' => [
    'driver' => 'stack',
    'channels' => ['daily', 'logcrawler'],
    'ignore_exceptions' => false,

Sending PHP and laravel version to your server (v2.1.0+ client and server)

To have an oversight of your installed version, logcrawler-client can send this information to your server. Both must have at least v2.1.0 or higher!

By default, sending this information is set to false, you can set each option by itself in your .env:

LOGCRAWLER_INFO_PHP => (bool, default false) Send PHP version to your server?

LOGCRAWLER_INFO_LARAVEL => (bool, default false) Send laravel version to your server?

Now, you can run the command or shedule it (once a week or so) as you like in your app.

php artisan logcrawler:client:sendversions


Now, your logging to Logcrawler is enabled and you can watch your logs. Have fun 😎



By default, logcrawler sends its logs when your php process exits and for default, that is preventing logcrawler from slowing down your app process. In some circumstances, you may wish to like "force sending" logs, i.e. when running in a queue. In this case, you can enable a threshold in your .env with


When not present or set to 0 (default), logcrawler only sends reports when your php exits.
All other integer values are your threshold for sending the logs!
Notice: A number too small can slow down your app - try to start with 4