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Project for course IVS/2022

Team: oznuk_1

The calculator app is an app for solving some basic and slightly difficult mathematical problems. The app provides standard mathematical operations and more.


  • Ubuntu 64bit
  • Windows 64bit


Project was developed in languages: Python. The project was developed by team oznuk_1.

This calculator has root option √ -> in this file marked as ROOT


  • Standard mathematical functions
  • More functions as: SIN, COS, ROOT, POWER AND FACTORIAL
  • Decimal numbers allowed
  • The calculator disposes by history of calculations
  • The calculator remembers last answer at its 'Ans' button
  • The clear button for cleaning the whole input line
  • The calculator proceeds factorial numbers, even if the number before factorial is in closed brackets.
  • The calculator is able to proceeds integer and float numbers and operations between them infinitely and catches OverflowError and ZeroDivisionError.

All the functions

These functions can be applied on numbers in this calculator

  • Addition: +
  • Substitution: -
  • Multiplication: *
  • Division: /
  • Power: x^y
  • Sinus: sin
  • Cosine: cos
  • Root:
  • Factorial: x!

Calculator restrictions

  • The calculator rounds results in operations Addition, Substitution, Multiplication, Division, Root and Power to 9 decimal places
  • COMMA is used only to divide two expressions in ROOT function

Function notations for operations

  • ADD: <expression> + <expression>
  • SUB: <expression> - <expression>
  • MUL: <expression> * <expression>
  • DIV: <expression> / <expression>
  • POW: <expression> ^ <expression>
  • SIN: SIN ( <expression> )
  • COS: COS ( <expression> )
  • ROOT: √NUM or √( <expression> , <expression> )
    • First one is Root with base 2
    • Second one is Root with base NUM2
  • FACT: <expression>!


First download the calculator_1.0_amd64.deb package. After downloading the package unpack it by typing sudo dpkg -i calculator_1.0_amd64.deb. Install potential dependencies by running sudo apt-get -f install. Software is now installed under /opt/calculator folder and a helper script calculator is installed under /usr/bin, so you are now able to run the calculator app by just typing calculator from anywhere in the system. Uninstall the app by running sudo apt-get remove calculator.


Licensed under GNU GPL v3
License: GPL v3


Team: oznuk_1

  • Adam Dzurilla, xdzuri00
  • Adam Ližičiar, xlizic00
  • Tomáš Hak, xhakto01
  • Jakub Vilček, xvilce00


Project for IVS, FIT VUT







No releases published
