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Tutorial Plan Template

Rahul Hazra edited this page Jun 2, 2023 · 1 revision

This page outlines the Tutorial Plan template. Use the following template as your reference to create your Tutorial Plan.

For your next steps, refer to the Tutorial Layout page.

Tutorial Plan



Learning Objective

What is the learning outcome of this tutorial? What is the practitioner intended to learn?

Learning Sub-objectives

What learning sub-objectives are emphasized in this tutorial?

Tutorial Title

What is the proposed tutorial title? Titles that answer a question improve SEO score.

Tutorial Description

What is the description of the tutorial? The description is used by search engines so it plays a critical role in improving SEO scores

Learning Difficulty

What is the learning difficulty level of this tutorial?

Target Audience

Who is the target audience?

Learning Scenario

What is the learning scenario the practitioner will be exposed to? Will there be a hands-on exercise?

Tutorial Requirements

What requirements will the tutorial and the learning exercises have?

Tutorial Assets

What assets or resources will the author create to support this tutorial? This includes custom code, repository, images and diagrams.

Cost Management

What expenses will the practitioner incur because of this tutorial?

Tutorial Outline

What is the outline of the text?

Research Resources

List any documentation resources that will be used to create this tutorial.

Abandoned Ideas

Stakeholder Signoff

Name Area Status  ✅ | ❌