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Content Layout

Karl Cardenas edited this page Jun 2, 2023 · 15 revisions

After you have reviewed the Spectro Cloud Style Guide, the next step is planning and designing your content.

Before you contribute, take some time and become familiar with the content type you are writing. If you have any questions, send us an email at [email protected].

Table of Contents

How to Layout

Packs Layout

Troubleshooting Layout

Tutorial Layout

How to Layout

How-to guides help users perform a particular task or set of actions. A well-written how-to guide provides the following benefits:

  • Addresses knowledge-sharing issues.

  • Eliminates delays caused by knowledge gaps.

  • Prevents user errors due to clear guidance.

  • Reduces time spent searching for task assistance.

The How-to Layout page teaches you how to structure a how-to guide in accordance with our style and preferred teaching approach.

Before creating your a Pack documentation page, start by reviewing the Packs Layout page. Documenting Packs can be challenging due to their complex nature, involving multiple components and dependencies. However, this documentation is immensely valuable to our users. Well-documented Packs enable users to understand how to use the pack better, resulting in an improved user experience when consuming the pack.

The Packs Layout page guides you to structure a pack documentation page to ensure consistency with the rest of our documentation.

A troubleshooting guide is a well-organized collection of guidelines that offer strategies to identify, diagnose, and resolve a wide range of commonly occurring and unpredictable problems. A well-written troubleshooting guide can be an invaluable reference tool. Its purpose is to empower users to independently resolve issues, and minimize downtime.

Learn how to structure a troubleshooting guide by reviewing the Troubleshooting Layout page.

Tutorial Layout

A tutorial guides the users through a series of actions or steps. Unlike a how-to guide, a tutorial often provides a starter code and focuses on explaining the why and how. A tutorial should provide clear instructions and guide the user in learning new skills and completing the milestones established for the tutorial.

We follow a specific style and teaching approach for all Spectro Cloud tutorials. Review the Tutorial Layout page to learn how to structure a tutorial in accordance with our standards.