Simple way to obtain picture from file system & photo with the Kotlin Coroutines
If one of the conditions is not valid, then the corresponding exception is thrown:
- ExternalStorageWriteException - if write access to the internal storage is not received
- NotPermissionException - If the permission (API >= 23) to write to memory has been refused
- CancelOperationException - if the user interrupted the operation of receiving photos
Thera are 3 types of returning values:
String (absolute path to file)
There are 5 types to obtaining images (TypeRequest):
CAMERA, - only from camera
GALLERY, - only from gallery
COMBINE, - combining two previous types
COMBINE_MULTIPLE, - same as COMBINE, but support multiple selection, requires API 16
FROM_DOCUMENT; - using Storage Access Framework, requieres API 19
- Get photo from camera
val imageFromCamera = CRPhoto(context).requestBitmap(TypeRequest.CAMERA)
- Is equal to
val imageFromCamera = this@context takePhotoBitmap TypeRequest.CAMERA
Add to your .gradle file:
implementation 'com.geniusrus.cphoto:cphoto:$latest_version'
The sample is on app
- Viktor Likhanov
Yandex: [email protected]
Apache v2.0 License
Copyright (c) 2018 Viktor Likhanov