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Merge pull request #22 from LeeLeahy2/4-13-multiple-wifi-users
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4-13: Add example 4_13_Multiple_WiFi_Users
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nseidle authored Dec 3, 2024
2 parents d9b5151 + 484e109 commit 8d61bd7
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Showing 4 changed files with 2,563 additions and 0 deletions.
340 changes: 340 additions & 0 deletions Example_Sketches/4_13_Multiple_WiFi_Users/4_13_Multiple_WiFi_Users.ino
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@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
Example sketch to demonstrate shared WiFi usage

// Includes

#include <Arduino.h> // Built-in
#include <ESPmDNS.h> // Built-in
#include <MacAddress.h> // Built-in
#include <Network.h> // Built-in
#include <WiFi.h> // Built-in

#include <esp_wifi.h> // IDF built-in

#include <secrets.h> // Host name, SSIDs and passwords


#define systemPrintf Serial.printf
#define systemPrintln Serial.println

// WiFi class

// Handle the WiFi event
// Inputs:
// event: Arduino ESP32 event number found on
// in libraries/Network/src/NetworkEvents.h
// info: Additional data about the event
void wifiEventHandler(arduino_event_id_t event, arduino_event_info_t info);

typedef uint32_t WIFI_ACTION_t;
typedef uint8_t WIFI_CHANNEL_t;

// Class to simplify WiFi handling
class RTK_WIFI

WIFI_CHANNEL_t _apChannel; // Channel required for soft AP, zero (0) use _channel
IPAddress _apDnsAddress; // DNS IP address to use while translating names into IP addresses
IPAddress _apFirstDhcpAddress; // First IP address to use for DHCP
IPAddress _apGatewayAddress;// IP address of the gateway to the larger network (internet?)
IPAddress _apIpAddress; // IP address of the soft AP
uint8_t _apMacAddress[6]; // MAC address of the soft AP
IPAddress _apSubnetMask; // Subnet mask for soft AP
WIFI_CHANNEL_t _channel; // Current WiFi channel number
bool _debug; // Set to true to output debugging data
bool _display; // Set to true to display state data
WIFI_CHANNEL_t _espNowChannel; // Channel required for ESPNow, zero (0) use _channel
bool _espNowStarted; // ESPNow started or running
const char * _hostName; // Name of this host
volatile bool _scanRunning; // Scan running
int _staAuthType; // Authorization type for the remote AP
bool _staConnected; // True when station is connected
bool _staHasIp; // True when station has IP address
IPAddress _staIpAddress; // IP address of the station
uint8_t _staIpType; // 4 or 6 when IP address is assigned
uint8_t _staMacAddress[6]; // MAC address of the station
const char * _staRemoteApSsid; // SSID of remote AP
const char * _staRemoteApPassword; // Password of remote AP
WIFI_ACTION_t _started; // Components that are started and running
WIFI_CHANNEL_t _stationChannel; // Channel required for station, zero (0) use _channel
bool _stationRunning; // True while station is starting or running
uint32_t _timer; // Reconnection timer
bool _verbose; // True causes more debug output to be displayed

// Start the WiFi event handler
void eventHandlerStart();

// Stop the WiFi event handler
void eventHandlerStop();

// Start the multicast domain name server
// Inputs:
// softAp: True when starting mDNS on the soft AP
// Outputs:
// Returns true if successful and false upon failure
bool mDNSStart(bool softAP);

// Stop the multicast domain name server
void mDNSStop();

// Set the WiFi mode
// Inputs:
// setMode: Modes to set
// xorMode: Modes to toggle
// Math: result = (mode | setMode) ^ xorMode
// setMode
// 0 1
// xorMode 0 No change Set bit
// 1 Toggle bit Clear bit
// Outputs:
// Returns true if successful and false upon failure
bool setWiFiMode(uint8_t setMode, uint8_t xorMode);

// Set the WiFi radio protocols
// Inputs:
// interface: Interface on which to set the protocols
// enableWiFiProtocols: When true, enable the WiFi protocols
// enableLongRangeProtocol: When true, enable the long range protocol
// Outputs:
// Returns true if successful and false upon failure
bool setWiFiProtocols(wifi_interface_t interface,
bool enableWiFiProtocols,
bool enableLongRangeProtocol);

// Handle the soft AP events
// Inputs:
// event: Arduino ESP32 event number found on
// in libraries/Network/src/NetworkEvents.h
// info: Additional data about the event
void softApEventHandler(arduino_event_id_t event, arduino_event_info_t info);

// Set the soft AP host name
// Inputs:
// hostName: Zero terminated host name character string
// Outputs:
// Returns true if successful and false upon failure
bool softApSetHostName(const char * hostName);

// Set the soft AP configuration
// Inputs:
// ipAddress: IP address of the server, nullptr or empty string causes
// default to be used
// subnetMask: Subnet mask for local network segment, nullptr or empty
// string causes default to be used, unless ipAddress
// is not specified, in which case is used
// gatewayAddress: Gateway to internet IP address, nullptr or empty string
// causes default to be used (no access to internet)
// dnsAddress: Domain name server (name to IP address translation) IP address,
// nullptr or empty string causes to be used (only
// mDNS name translation, if started)
// dhcpStartAddress: Start of DHCP IP address assignments for the local
// network segment, nullptr or empty string causes default
// to be used (disable DHCP server) unless ipAddress
// was not specified in which case
// Outputs:
// Returns true if successful and false upon failure
bool softApSetIpAddress(const char * ipAddress,
const char * subnetMask,
const char * gatewayAddress,
const char * dnsAddress,
const char * dhcpFirstAddress);

// Set the soft AP SSID and password
// Outputs:
// Returns true if successful and false upon failure
bool softApSetSsidPassword(const char * ssid, const char * password);

// Connect to an access point
// Outputs:
// Return true if the connection was successful and false upon failure.
bool stationConnectAP();

// Disconnect the station from an AP
// Outputs:
// Returns true if successful and false upon failure
bool stationDisconnect();

// Handle the WiFi station events
// Inputs:
// event: Arduino ESP32 event number found on
// in libraries/Network/src/NetworkEvents.h
// info: Additional data about the event
void stationEventHandler(arduino_event_id_t event, arduino_event_info_t info);

// Set the station's host name
// Inputs:
// hostName: Zero terminated host name character string
// Outputs:
// Returns true if successful and false upon failure
bool stationHostName(const char * hostName);

// Start the WiFi scan
// Inputs:
// channel: Channel number for the scan, zero (0) scan all channels
// Outputs:
// Returns true if successful and false upon failure
bool stationScanStart(WIFI_CHANNEL_t channel);

// Select the AP and channel to use for WiFi station
// Inputs:
// apCount: Number to APs detected by the WiFi scan
// list: Determine if the APs should be listed
// Outputs:
// Returns the channel number of the AP
WIFI_CHANNEL_t stationSelectAP(uint8_t apCount, bool list);

// Handle the WiFi event
// Inputs:
// event: Arduino ESP32 event number found on
// in libraries/Network/src/NetworkEvents.h
// info: Additional data about the event
void wifiEvent(arduino_event_id_t event, arduino_event_info_t info);


// Constructor
// Inputs:
// display: Set to true to display WiFi startup summary
// debug: Set to true to display WiFi debugging messages
RTK_WIFI(bool display = false, bool debug = false);

// Enable or disable WiFi debug
// Inputs:
// enable: Set true to enable debug
// Outputs:
// Return the previous enable value
bool debug(bool enable);

// Enable or disable WiFi display
// Inputs:
// enable: Set true to enable display
// Outputs:
// Return the previous enable value
bool display(bool enable);

// Enable or disable the WiFi modes
// Inputs:
// enableESPNow: Enable ESP-NOW mode
// enableSoftAP: Enable soft AP mode
// enableStataion: Enable station mode
// Outputs:
// Returns true if the modes were successfully configured
bool enable(bool enableESPNow, bool enableSoftAP, bool enableStation);

// Handle the WiFi event
// Inputs:
// event: Arduino ESP32 event number found on
// in libraries/Network/src/NetworkEvents.h
// info: Additional data about the event
void eventHandler(arduino_event_id_t event, arduino_event_info_t info);

// Get the mDNS host name
// Outputs:
// Returns the mDNS host name as a pointer to a zero terminated string
// of characters
const char * hostNameGet();

// Set the mDNS host name
// Inputs
// Address of a zero terminated string containing the mDNS host name
void hostNameSet(const char * mDnsHostName);

// Configure the soft AP
// Inputs:
// ipAddress: IP address of the soft AP
// subnetMask: Subnet mask for the soft AP network
// firstDhcpAddress: First IP address to use in the DHCP range
// dnsAddress: IP address to use for DNS lookup (translate name to IP address)
// gatewayAddress: IP address of the gateway to a larger network (internet?)
// Outputs:
// Returns true if the soft AP was successfully configured.
bool softApConfiguration(IPAddress ipAddress,
IPAddress subnetMask,
IPAddress firstDhcpAddress,
IPAddress dnsAddress,
IPAddress gateway);

// Display the soft AP configuration
// Inputs:
// display: Address of a Print object
void softApConfigurationDisplay(Print * display);

// Get the soft AP status
// Outputs:
// Returns true when the soft AP is ready for use
bool softApOnline();

// Get the station status
// Outputs:
// Returns true when the WiFi station is online and ready for use
bool stationOnline();

// Handle WiFi station reconnection requests
void stationReconnectionRequest();

// Get the station status
// Outputs:
// Returns true if the WiFi station is being started or is online
bool stationRunning();

// Test the WiFi modes
void test();

// Enable or disable verbose debug output
// Inputs:
// enable: Set true to enable verbose debug output
// Outputs:
// Return the previous enable value
bool verbose(bool enable);

// Verify the WiFi tables
void verifyTables();

RTK_WIFI wifi(false, false);

// Entry point for the application
void setup()
// Initialize the USB serial port
systemPrintf(__FILE__ "\r\n");

// Verity the WiFi tables

// Enable WiFi debugging
// wifi.verbose(true);
// wifi.debug(true);

// Set the mDNS host name

// Idle loop for core 1 of the application
void loop()

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