The Artemis Uploader App is a simple, easy to use method for updating the firmware and bootloader on SparkFun Artemis based products. Available on all major platforms, as well as a Python package, the Artemis Uploader App simplifies working with SparkFun Artemis.
If you need to install the application, see the Installation Section of this page.
- Click
and select the firmware file you'd like to upload (should end in .bin) - Attach the Artemis target board over USB
- Select the COM port from the dropdown menu
- Adjust the Baud Rate as desired
- Click the
Upload Firmware
Button in the lower right corner of the app.
The selected firmware is then uploaded to the connected SparkFun Artemis product. Upload information and progress are displayed in the output portion of the interface.
Clicking the Update Bootloader
button on the lower left of the application will erase all firmware on the Artemis and load the latest bootloader firmware. This is helpful when SparkFun releases updates to the SVL.
Note: the bootloader update sometimes fails to start correctly. You may need to repeat the update more than once until it succeeds.
Installation binaries are available for all major platforms (macOS, Window, and Linux) on the release page of the Artemis Uploader App github repository.
- Download the github release zip file -
- Unzip the release file -
- This results in the application executable ArtemisUploader.exe
- Double-click ArtemisUploader.exe to start the application
- The Windows EXE isn't signed, so you will see the following warning. Click More info:
- Click Run anyway to start the GUI:
Check that you have the latest WCH drivers installed for the CH340 interface chip.
- Full instructions can be found in our CH340 Tutorial
- Here is a link to the WCH downloads page for the CH340 / CH341 macOS driver
- The Zip file contains more instructions: CH34X_DRV_INSTAL_INSTRUCTIONS.pdf
Download the github release file - ArtemisUploader.dmg
Click on the downloads icon
Click the ArtemisUploader.dmg file to mount the disk image
The following Finder window, with the contents of the file will open
- Install the by dragging it onto the Applications icon in the ArtemisUploader Finder Window, or copying the file to a desired location.
- Once complete, unmount the ArtemisUploader disk image by clicking on the disk eject in Finder.
To launch the Artemis Uploader application:
- Double-click to launch the application
- The isn't signed, so macOS won't run the application, and will display a warning dialog. Click Done.
- To approve app execution bring up the macOS System Settings and navigate to Privacy & Security.
- On this page, select the Open Anyway button to launch the ArtemisUploader application.
- Once selected, macOS will present one last dialog. Select Open Anyway to run the application.
- Enter your password and click The ArtemisUploader will now start.
- Ensure you select the correct COM Port. The port name should begin with cu.wchusbserial.
- When you select the Firmware File, click Allow to allow the app to open the file.
- Download the github release file - ArtemisUploader.linux.gz
- Unzip the release file - ArtemisUploader.linux.gz
- Un-gzip the file, either by double-clicking in on the desktop, or using the
command in a terminal window. This results in the file ArtemisUploader - To run the application, the file must have execute permission. This is performed by selecting Properties from the file right-click menu, and then selecting permissions. You can also change permissions using the
command in a terminal window. - Once the application has execute permission, you can start the application a terminal window. Change directory's to the application location and issue
The Artemis Uploader App is also provided as an installable Python package. This is advantageous for platforms that lack a pre-compiled application.
To install the Python package:
- Download the package file - artemis_uploader-3.0.0.tar.gz (note - the version number might vary)
At a command line - issue the package install command:
pip install artemis_uploader-3.0.0.tar.gz
- Once installed, you can start the Artemis Uploader App by issuing the command
at the command line. (To see the command, you might need to start a new terminal, or issue a command likerehash
depending on your platform/shell)
- A path might be needed to specify the install file location.
- Depending on your platform, this command might need to be run as admin/root.
- Depending on your system, you might need to use the command
The uploader is uninstalled by issuing this pip command:
pip uninstall artemis-uploader
We've tested the GUI on 64-bit Raspberry Pi Debian. You will need to use the Python Package to install it.
- On 32-bit Raspberry Pi, with both Python 2 and Python 3 installed, use
sudo pip3 install artemis_uploader-3.0.0.tar.gz
- On 64-bit Raspberry Pi, use
sudo pip install artemis_uploader-3.0.0.tar.gz
- By default, the executable will be placed in
- The
is required to
usingsudo apt-get install
In the applications github repo, an example Blink.bin firmware file is included in the repo. This firmware will cause these LEDs to blink at 1Hz:
- the D5 LED on the SparkFun RedBoard Artemis ATP
- the D13 LED on the SparkFun RedBoard Artemis
- the D18 LED on the SparkFun Thing Plus - Artemis
- the D19 LED on the SparkFun RedBoard Artemis Nano
- the Green LED on the SparkFun Edge Development Board - Apollo3 Blue
- the STAT LED on the OpenLog Artemis
- the D19 and GNSS LEDs on the Artemis Global Tracker