Build infrastructure for creating sourmash databases from NCBI for all eukaryotic reference genomes.
The strategy is:
- use the directsketch plugin to build high rez (scaled=1000, k=21/31/51) for all euks, and put them all in a directory outside of sourmash-db;
- (this repo) make the various collection accession/taxid lists directly from NCBI;
- (this repo) build the full set of euk collections, downsampled to scaled=10_000
You'll need to install the NCBI taxonomy taxdump for taxonkit, which is used by pytaxonkit.
In some stable directory,
wget -c
tar -zxvf taxdump.tar.gz
mkdir -p $HOME/.taxonkit
ln -s names.dmp nodes.dmp delnodes.dmp merged.dmp $HOME/.taxonkit