An animated check mark widget. It automatically animates when you toggle it on/off. It can also be styled.
class CheckMark extends ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget {
const CheckMark({
Key? key,
Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
Curve curve = Curves.linear,
VoidCallback? onEnd, = false,
this.activeColor = const Color(0xff4fffad),
this.inactiveColor = const Color(0xffe3e8ed),
this.strokeWidth = 5,
this.strokeJoin = StrokeJoin.round,
this.strokeCap = StrokeCap.round,
Check the /example
folder for an example of the above functionality.
Minimal example:
height: 50,
width: 50,
child: CheckMark(
active: checked,
curve: Curves.decelerate,
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
If you find any problems, please file an issue if one doesn't already exist.