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Reactive .Net Client for Apache KafkaTM

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  • Abstract and simplify integrations with confluent kafka.
  • Possibility to run multi consumers in the same application.
  • Ease to run a consumer per partition using threads.
  • Message deserialization to the desired object effortless.
  • Specific method for the correct treatment of error messages.
  • Exclusive thread per consumer.
  • Inject anything from DI (Dependency Injection) in your consumer.
  • Consumer and Producer built-in OpenTelemetry support.


To install Reactive.Kafka.Client from within Visual Studio, search for Reactive.Kafka.Client in the NuGet Package Manager UI, or run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

Install-Package Reactive.Kafka.Client -Version 8.2.1

To add a reference to a dotnet core project, execute the following at the command line:

dotnet add package -v 8.2.1 Reactive.Kafka.Client

Message lifecycle

A message has a lifecycle that starts whenever a new message is obtained from topic. Your application can use lifecycle hook methods for the treatment or enrichment of the message.

Responding to lifecycle events

Respond to events in the lifecycle of a message by overriding one or more of the lifecycle hook methods. The hooks give you the opportunity to act on a message before its use in your business logic.

public class MyConsumer : ConsumerBase<Message>
    public override void OnConsumerConfiguration(ConsumerConfig configuration) { }
    public override void OnProducerConfiguration(ProducerConfig configuration) { }
    public override void OnConsumerBuilder(ConsumerBuilder<string, string> builder) { }
    public override void OnReady() { }
    public override string OnBeforeSerialization(string rawMessage) { }
    public override Message OnAfterSerialization(Message message) { }  
    public override Task OnConsume(ConsumerMessage<Message> consumerMessage, ConsumerContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { }
    public override Task OnConsumeError(ConsumerContext context)

Only OnConsume is required. The others are not required and you implement just the ones you need.

Lifecycle event sequence

Hook method Purpose Timing Required
OnConsumerConfiguration ConsumerConfig configuration Called once, for each consumer instance, during the consumer setup process. No
OnProducerConfiguration ProducerConfig configuration Called once, for each consumer instance, during the producer setup process. No
OnConsumerBuilder Called once, for each consumer instance, before the kafka consumer is built. No
OnProducerBuilder Called once, for each producer instance, before the kafka producer is built. No
OnReady Called once, for each consumer instance, after the kafka consumer is built. No
OnBeforeSerialization Raw message handling Called after topic message consumption and before OnAfterSerialization. No
OnAfterSerialization Message enrichment Called after the serialization process, may not occur if serialization fails. No
OnConsume Business logic Called immediately after OnAfterSerialization for each message. Yes
OnConsumeError Exception handling Called when serialization process fails. No

Exceptions thrown by user code must be handled manually by the user, OnConsumeError just handles exceptions thrown by kafka, consumer or json serializers.


Concept Image


Inherits from ConsumerBase<T> class and overrides the methods you want to use or uses interfaces with IKafkaConsumer<T> as required.

Check out our examples for a full demonstration.
All our examples were built on the Worker Services, but it could be an ASP.NET or Console application.

Simplest Kafka Consumer ever

With few lines you have a Kafka Consumer taking advantage of each partition.

// ConsumerExample.cs
public class ConsumerExample : ConsumerBase<string>
    public override async Task OnConsume(ConsumerMessage<string> consumerMessage, ConsumerContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", consumerMessage.Value);   
        await Task.CompletedTask;
// Program.cs
using Reactive.Kafka.Extensions;

IHost host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
    .ConfigureServices(services =>
        services.AddReactiveKafka((provider, configurator) => {
            configurator.AddConsumerPerPartition<ConsumerExample, string>("localhost:9092", "your-topic", "your-group");

await host.RunConsumersAsync();
await host.RunAsync();

You can enable debug logging messages in appsettings.json by setting the Reactive.Kafka category to Debug:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft.Hosting": "Critical",
      "Reactive.Kafka": "Debug"


Creates a consumer per partition of a given topic.


AddConsumerPerPartition<T, TMessage>(string bootstrap, string topic, string groupId = null)
AddConsumerPerPartition<T, TMessage>(string bootstrap, Action<KafkaConfiguration> setupAction)

Reactive Kafka will create one consumer for each partition of your topic, for example, if your topic has 3 partitions then there will be 3 consumers, each consumer having its own thread and listening to its own partition throughout the lifecycle. This concept can give you a performance boost. As shown in the image below:

PerPartition Image

Partition and thread numbers are for illustrative purposes only.


// Message.cs
public class Message
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
// ConsumerExample.cs
public class ConsumerExample : ConsumerBase<Message>
    public override async Task OnConsume(ConsumerMessage<Message> consumerMessage, ConsumerContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (consumerMessage.Value.Id == 0) {
            // You could, for example, to use the Producer instance
            // to forward the original message to a DLQ.
            await ProducerAsync("DeadLetterTopic", context.ConsumeResult.Message.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Id:   {0}", consumerMessage.Value.Id);
        Console.WriteLine("Name: {1}", consumerMessage.Value.Name);
    // Optional
    // Creates a single Producer instance shared among all consumers.
    // If this method is not declared, the producer won't be created.
    public override void OnProducerConfiguration(ProducerConfig configuration)
        configuration.BootstrapServers = "localhost:9092";
        configuration.Acks = Acks.None;
// Program.cs
using Reactive.Kafka.Extensions;

IHost host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
    .ConfigureServices(services =>
        services.AddReactiveKafka((provider, configurator) => {
            configurator.AddConsumerPerPartition<ConsumerExample, Message>("localhost:9092", (provider, cfg) => {
                cfg.Topic = "your-topic";
                cfg.ConsumerConfig.GroupId = "your-group";
                cfg.ConsumerConfig.AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Latest;
                cfg.ConsumerConfig.AutoCommitIntervalMs = 0;
                cfg.ConsumerConfig.EnableAutoCommit = false;
                // You can choose between Newtonsoft or System.Text.Json serializers.
                // UseNewtonsoft(Action<JsonSerializerSettings> action = null)
                // UseSystemTextJson(Action<JsonSerializerOptions> action = null)
                // default is Newtonsoft.
                cfg.UseNewtonsoft(settings =>
                    settings.MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error;

await host.RunConsumersAsync();
await host.RunAsync();


Creates a specified number of consumer in a given topic.


AddConsumerPerQuantity<T, TMessage>(string bootstrap, int quantity, string topic, string groupId = null)
AddConsumerPerQuantity<T, TMessage>(string bootstrap, int quantity, Action<KafkaConfiguration> setupAction)

Reactive Kafka will create the amount of consumers you requested, for example, if your topic has 4 partitions and you request for 2 consumers, then there will be 2 consumers, each consumer having its own thread and listening for 2 partitions throughout the lifecycle. As shown in the image below:

PerQuantity Image

Partition and thread numbers are for illustrative purposes only.

// ConsumerExample.cs
public class ConsumerExample : ConsumerBase<string>
    public override string OnBeforeSerialization(string rawMessage)
        string newMessage = Regex.Replace(rawMessage, @"\D", "");
        return newMessage;

    public override async Task OnConsume(ConsumerMessage<string> consumerMessage, ConsumerContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", consumerMessage.Value);
        await Task.CompletedTask;
    public override async Task OnConsumeError(ConsumerContext context)
        Console.WriteLine("Ops! Something is wrong!");
        Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", context.Exception);

        await Task.CompletedTask;
// Program.cs
using Reactive.Kafka.Extensions;

IHost host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
    .ConfigureServices(services =>
        services.AddReactiveKafka((provider, configurator) => {
            configurator.AddConsumerPerQuantity<ConsumerExample, string>("localhost:9092", quantity: 2, (provider, cfg) => {
                cfg.Topic = "your-topic";
                cfg.ConsumerConfig.GroupId = "your-group";

await host.RunConsumersAsync();
await host.RunAsync();

OpenTelemetry Support

Reactive Kafka has built-in consumer and producer instrumentation.
To enable, AddReactiveKafkaInstrumentation() should be called on the TracerProviderBuilder and MeterProviderBuilder.
No additional configuration is required, after that all consumers and producers will be instrumented.

It is necessary to install OpenTelemetry packages.

  • OpenTelemetry
  • OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Hosting
  • OpenTelemetry.Exporter.OpenTelemetryProtocol


In case you want to export metrics directly in Prometheus format, you will need to install the Prometheus exporter package.

  • OpenTelemetry.Exporter.Prometheus.AspNetCore
Name Unit Type Description
messaging_kafka_consumer_lag ms Histogram Approximate lag between the time message was send and received.
messaging.kafka.consumer.process.duration ms Histogram Message processing duration.
messaging.kafka.producer.publish.duration ms Histogram Message publishing duration.
IHost host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
    .ConfigureServices(services =>
            .WithMetrics(meterProviderBuilder => meterProviderBuilder
                .AddOtlpExporter()        // OpenTelemetry Protocol Exporter
                .AddPrometheusExporter()  // Prometheus Exporter

        services.AddReactiveKafka((provider, configurator) =>
            configurator.AddConsumerPerPartition<Consumer1, Message>("localhost:9092", "your-topic", "your-group");


IHost host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
    .ConfigureServices(services =>
            .WithTracing(tracerProviderBuilder => tracerProviderBuilder
                .AddOtlpExporter()        // OpenTelemetry Protocol Exporter

        services.AddReactiveKafka((provider, configurator) =>
            configurator.AddConsumerPerPartition<Consumer1, Message>("localhost:9092", "your-topic", "your-group");


All PRs are welcome. If you are planning to contribute a large patch or to integrate a new feature, please create an issue first to get any upfront questions or design decisions out of the way first.

Chat us

An official #ReactiveKafka IRC channel on liberachat (server for discussion. You can use your favorite IRC client or use the web chat at


MIT License, see LICENSE.


Abstract and simplify integrations with confluent kafka







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