node interface for the HTU21D temperature and humidity sensor for Raspberry Pi
$ npm install htu21d
var htu21d = require('htu21d');
var device = "/dev/i2c-1"
var address = 0x40;
var sensor = new htu21d.Htu21d(device, address);
var temp = sensor.temperature();
var humidity = sensor.humidity();
# turn on the internal heater
var check_temp = sensor.temperature();
var check_humidity = sensor.humidity();
# disable the internal heater
# set the measurement resolution, explained in the README
var temp_lowres = sensor.temperature();
the htu21d object contains fields for sensor resolution, lowbattery status, and on-chip heater, as per the chip's capabilities, as well as devnode and chip address
> sensor
{ heater: false,
lowbattery: false,
resolution: { mode: 0, temperature: 14, humidity: 12 },
devnode: '/dev/i2c-1',
address: 64 }
The HTU21D has 4 modes for resolution, for which there is unfortunately no good way to express.
To change the resolution, consult the following table:
mode | Temp | Humidity |
0 | 14 bit | 12 bit |
1 | 12 bit | 8 bit |
2 | 13 bit | 10 bit |
3 | 11 bit | 11 bit |
$ sudo vi /etc/modules
Add these two lines
$ sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf
Comment out blacklist i2c-bcm2708
#blacklist i2c-bcm2708
Load kernel module
$ sudo modprobe i2c-bcm2708