A wrapper around Microsofts MSAL library for react.
Install npm dependencies
dotnet add package Feliz.React.Msal npm install @azure/msal-react
femto install Feliz.React.Msal
Initialize msal config (this is an example using B2C with sign in flow)
open Feliz.React.Msal let msalConfig ={ auth={ clientId="" authority="https://<domain>.b2clogin.com/<domain>.onmicrosoft.com/<Sign in flow>" knownAuthorities=[|"https://<domain>.b2clogin.com"|] redirectUri= "https://localhost:8080/" postLogoutRedirectUri = "https://localhost:8080/"}; cache={cacheLocation="sessionStorage"; storeAuthStateInCookie=false} } let client:IPublicClientApplication = createClient msalConfig
Pass client into msal component
[<ReactComponent>] let App() = MsalProvider.create[ MsalProvider.instance client MsalProvider.children[ ] ]
Use Authenticated/Unauthenticated template to show or hide sections of ui
AuthenticatedTemplate.create [
AuthenticatedTemplate.children [
UnauthenticatedTemplate.create [
UnauthenticatedTemplate.children [
Or use useIsAuthenticated() hook.
Support for the following custon msal hooks are supported under the 'Hooks' module;
- useAccount
- useIsAuthenticated
- useMsal
- useMsalAuthentication