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danifernandezcalv edited this page Jul 26, 2018 · 4 revisions


The end-points exposed by the API are as follows:

  • /validations:

    • [POST]: request validation of a descriptor. The type of the descriptor, type of validation... should be specified in the string query of the request.
    • [GET]: return all the validations stored in cache. Returns 404 if there are no validations in the cache.
    • [DELETE]: delete all the validations stored in cache.
  • /validations/string:validationId:

    • [GET]: return the validation (with the id specified by validationID) object stored in the cache. If the validation with id required doesn't exist the API will return 404.
    • [DELETE]: delete the validation (with the id specified by validationID) object from the cache. If the validation with id required doesn't exist the API will return 404.
  • /validations/string:validationId/topology:

    [still working on it]

  • /validations/string:validationId/fwgraphs:

    [still working on it]

  • /resources:

    • [GET]: return all the resources stored in cache. Returns 404 if there are no resources in the cache.
    • [DELETE]: delete all the resources stored in cache.
  • /watchers:

    • [POST]: create new watcher with the parameters in the string query.
    • [GET]: return all the watchers stored in cache. Returns 404 if there are no watchers in the cache.
    • [DELETE]: delete all the watchers stored in cache.