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Design documentation

Anton Roman edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 3 revisions

Design documentation

Types of validation

The SDK validation tool performs 4 types of validation:

  1. syntax: check the file descriptor file against its YAML schema file which is referenced from the descriptor file and downloaded during the validation.
  2. integrity: the integrity tests validates that the descriptor contains all the required elements.
  3. topology : it verifies that there are not topology issues in the definitions such as network loops which can make the system unusable.
  4. custom validation: these new type of rules allows to create YAML files with custom rules which can be generated by the developer of the original VNF/NS. The validator will check that the descriptor are compliant with the rules which are read at execution and can be changed at any moment without any modification in the validation tool code.The custom validation is still a work in progress and it is not available in the stable version of tng-sdk-validation.

Custom rules design

In order to be able to generate business rules from a YAML file we used an existing project to handle the rule generation and execution. After considering several projects business-rules was chosen as it allows the creation of a complete set of rules which meets the requirements for this new feature.

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