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Releases: sonata-nfv/tng-sdk-project

v5.1 (2020-01-08)

08 Jan 14:58
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This minor release does not add new features but only minor maintenance updates.

v5.0 (2019-09-06)

06 Sep 06:49
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This release adds many new features to the 5GTANGO tng-sdk-project tool. The highlights are:

  • Support for descriptor generation
  • Service mode with REST API

New Features

Descriptor Generation

  • Improved descriptor generation architecture with modular generation plugins
  • Integrated descriptor generation into project management
    • When creating a new project, additional CLI arguments can be passed to specify which descriptors should be generated inside the new project
    • Example: tng-project -p new-project --author 5gtango --vnfs 3
    • --empty creates an empty project without any descriptors

Service Mode with REST API

  • Introduced tng-sdk-project service mode, exposing a REST API
    • Similar functionality as the CLI version:
      • Add/remove/modify projects
      • Use the descriptor generator to generate initial descriptors in new projects
    • API specification with Swagger (generated by flask-restplus)
    • API testing with Tavern
  • Endpoint for statically serving generated projects and descriptors
  • Endpoint for automatic packaging (incl. validation) if 5GTANGO packager and validator are installed


  • Added project UUID for quick and easy identification of projects
  • Support for MIME type detection and handling of descriptors of tests, SLAs, policies, and slices (in addition to VNFs and NS)
  • Support for adding (zip) files containing a large number of files (e.g., Charms) that need to be handled together

v4.0 (2018-07-31)

31 Jul 15:39
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First release of 5GTANGO's new workspace and project management tool, extending the seed code from SONATA's son-cli tool. The tool provides a simple CLI that allows:

  • Workspace management:
    • Create new 5GTANGO workspaces (e.g., with configuration files)
    • Used by other SDK tools, e.g., to determine the MIME type of 5GTANGO descriptors
  • Project management:
    • Create new NFV projects containing arbitrary artifacts, e.g., descriptors or VNF images
    • Automatically generates a corresponding project manifest (project.yml), which states project information and lists all involved files
    • Project files can easily be added or removed with --add and --remove, supporting wildcards (similar to the well-known git CLI)
    • The project status (--status) provides a quick overview of the project information and involved files
    • A translation functionality (--translate) automatically translates old SONATA projects to the new v4.0 format
  • Descriptor generation CLI:
    • Complementary to the simple descriptor generation GUI
    • Quick generation of descriptors for experienced users, preferring a CLI
    • To be integrated with the project management in the future (e.g., to automatically generate suitable descriptors when creating a new project)