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Example: Creating a package

Manuel Peuster edited this page Jul 4, 2018 · 6 revisions

To create a package using tng-sdk-package you need either an existing 5GTANGO SDK project or you need to create a new one.

Create a new project

You can use the tng-sdk-project tool to create new and manage existing 5GTANGO SDK projects. Please check the tng-sdk-project for further installation and setup instructions.

# create a new project with an example NSD and VNFD
$ tng-prj -p path/to/project

Existing 5GTANGO SDK project examples

There are several existing project examples available in different repositories:

  • xxxx

Package a project

# package a project
tng-pkg -p misc/5gtango_ns_project_example1

# output

# package a project and specify the output file
tng-pkg -p misc/5gtango_ns_project_example1 -o mypkg.tgo

# output