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Creating ONAP Packages

RafaelSche edited this page Aug 8, 2019 · 4 revisions

Creating ONAP Packages

  1. Create an Onap-project or use the example
  2. Package the project
tng-sdk-package --format eu.lf.onap -p misc/mixed-ns-project

# output
P A C K A G I N G   R E P O R T
Packaged:    misc/mixed-ns-project
Project:     eu.5gtango.mixed-ns-package-example.0.1
Artifacts:   11
Output:      eu.5gtango.mixed-ns-package-example.0.1
Error:       None
Result:      Success.

As output a folder will be created with the packages within.

Which files are added to a package depends on type and tags set in the project.yml. For each file of type application/vnd.onap.nsd a network service package will be created (there is no ns concept in onap yet, so it will just be almost the same package but with slightly different and for each file of type application/vnd.onap.vnfd a vnf-package. Files tagged with lf.onap will be added to all packages into the Artifacts folder, if you do not specify another directory with the tag "onap-target:<path/to/folder>".

descriptor_extension: yml
version: '0.5'
  vendor: eu.5gtango
  name: mixed-ns-package-example
  version: '0.1'
  maintainer: Manuel Peuster, Paderborn University
  description: This is an example for a mixed network service project.
- tags: []
  path: Definitions/5gtango_nsd.yaml
  type: application/vnd.5gtango.nsd
- tags: []
  path: Definitions/5gtango_vnfd.yaml
  type: application/vnd.5gtango.vnfd
- tags: []
  path: osm_nsd.yaml
  type: application/vnd.osm.nsd
- tags: []
  path: osm_vnfd.yaml
  type: application/vnd.osm.vnfd
- tags: []
  path: onap_nsd.yaml
  type: application/vnd.onap.nsd
- tags: []
  path: onap_vnfd.yaml
  type: application/vnd.onap.vnfd
- tags:
  - etsi.osm
  path: Icons/upb_logo.png
  type: image/png
- tags:
  - etsi.osm.vnf.osm_vnfd
  - lf.onap
  - osm-target:images
  - onap-target:Artifacts/Deployment/blabla/
  path: Images/mycloudimage.ref
  type: application/vnd.5gtango.ref
- tags: []
  path: Licenses/LICENSE
  type: text/plain
- tags:
  - etsi.osm.vnf.osm_vnfd
  - lf.onap
  path: test
  type: text/plain
- tags:
  - etsi.osm.vnf
  - osm-target:cloud_init
  path: Scripts/cloud.init
  type: text/x-shellscript

The above example of a project.yml would cause two packages, one network service package and one vnf-package. The files Images/mycloudimage.ref and test will be included to the packages. mycloudimage.ref will be stored under Artifacts/Deployment/blabla/. test will be stored by default under Artifacts, because the tag "onap-target:<>" ist not set.