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Create Package via REST interface locally

RafaelSche edited this page May 17, 2019 · 9 revisions
  1. Create a zip package of you project.
  2. Setup a local packager in service mode (See Local Packager Testing )
  3. Upload project: sh curl -X POST -F project="@misc/" -F callback_url="<URL>" Return will be the following: sh {"package_process_uuid": <uuid>, "status": <process_status>, "error_msg": <error_msg>} If callback_url is given you will get the following answer after the process is finished: sh {"package_id": <id>, "package_location": <storage_location>, "package_metadata": <metadata>, "package_process_status": <status>, "package_process_uuid": <uuid>, "package_download_link": <URL for package download>} Then you can download the created package.
  4. The callback_url is optional. Without it you can get the download link by: sh curl -X GET This will return a list of all available packages:
[{"package_name": <filename 1>, "package_download_link": <download link 1>}, ...
 {"package_name": <filename n>, "package_download_link": <download link n>}]
  1. It also possible to download the package directly by appending the filename of the created package on to the projects endpoint: sh curl -X GET<filename> --output <dest>