This guide provides detailed instructions to deploy an early access version of ECS Ambient integration. Please note that this setup is being continuously improved based on feedback from users and the broader community. As the product evolves, it will be enhanced and refined into an even better version.
The setup has been validated for this phase, and following these steps should result in a successful integration. However, please be aware that changes may occur as we gather feedback and make improvements.
In addition to this GitHub repository, it is important to know that you would need to contact to obtain the early access istioctl
binaries and private repository access to the container images.
The following environment variables are needed to configure your EKS cluster. These values specify the AWS region, cluster owner, EKS version, cluster name, number of nodes, and node types. Be sure to adjust these based on your needs.
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1 # The AWS region where the cluster will be deployed
export OWNER_NAME=$(whoami) # The name of the cluster owner (auto-fills with your username)
export EKS_VERSION=1.31 # Version of EKS to be used for the cluster
export CLUSTER_NAME=ambient-ecs # Name of the cluster
export NUMBER_NODES=2 # The number of nodes in your EKS cluster
export NODE_TYPE="t2.medium" # The instance type for the nodes in the EKS cluster
Populate the prepared temaplate with your current values and pass it to eksctl
to create an AWS EKS cluster for Istio Ambient ECS demo.
eval "echo \"$(cat manifests/eks-cluster.yaml)\"" | eksctl create cluster --config-file -
Gateway API is a new set of resources to manage service traffic in a Kubernetes-native way. Here, we're installing the most recent (as of January 2025) version of the Kubernetes Gateway API CRDs, which will be used by Istio for ingress.
kubectl apply -f
For more details, refer to the official Gateway API documentation and the Istio documentation.
To obtain the appropriate early access version of istioctl, which includes support for ECS, please provide with your operating system (OS) and architecture (ARCH) to receive the correct binary archive.
Once you've received the appropriate istioctl
archive, you'll need to extract the contents and clean up by deleting the archive file. The following commands will help you achieve that:
# Set the version recommended by
export ISTIO_VERSION=<solo provided version>
# Set the OS and ARCH variables based on your environment
export OS=<your OS> # Can be linux, darwin, or windows
export ARCH=<your Architecture> # Can be amd64, arm64, or armv7
# Extract the contents
tar -xzf istioctl-$ISTIO_VERSION-solo-$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz
# Delete the archive file
rm istioctl-$ISTIO_VERSION-solo-$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz
Confirm istioctl version:
./istioctl version
the expected output:
Istio is not present in the cluster: no running Istio pods in namespace "istio-system"
client version: 1.2<version should match ISTIO_VERSION>
This command installs Istio in Ambient mode with all the required settings for integrating with an ECS cluster. In addition to enabling Ambient mode, it also includes the ECS cluster name, which for this demo is based on the EKS cluster name defined earlier. By adding the ECS cluster information, the Istio control plane can automatically discover services running in ECS tasks, allowing for seamless service discovery across both Kubernetes and ECS.
Please note that the snippet currently points to a private image repository for Istio components, which is provided by as explained earlier. Ensure you have access to this private repository or modify the image source to suit your environment by using the following command:
export HUB=<repo provided by>
Now you're ready to install Istio in Ambient mode with ECS cluster integration:
cat <<EOF | ./istioctl install -y -f -
kind: IstioOperator
profile: ambient
# Make debugging easier
accessLogFile: /dev/stdout
hub: ${HUB}
# Enable DNS proxy
dnsCapture: true
cluster: ecs-${CLUSTER_NAME}
# Required for full DNS proxying support
# Required for some of the GW usage we are doing
# Required for our authentication to Istiod
Expected output:
| \
| \
| \
/|| \
/ || \
/ || \
/ || \
/ || \
/ || \
\__ _____/
β Istio core installed β΅οΈ
β Istiod installed π§
β CNI installed πͺ’
β Ztunnel installed π
β Installation complete
The ambient profile has been installed successfully, enjoy Istio without sidecars!
This configuration allows the Istio control plane to interact with both Kubernetes and ECS services.
: Specifies that we want to install Istio in Ambient mode.meshConfig.accessLogFile
: Logs all traffic for debugging purposes.dnsCapture=true
: Ensures that DNS traffic is captured by Ambient ztunnels.
By now EKS Cluster with Isto in Ambient mode is installed and ready to be used.
Following AWS best security practices and to avoid manual BOOTSTRAP token exchanged, an ECS Task Role will be created in AWS IAM, which istioctl
will use. If the role already exists, the script will proceed without making changes. If the role does not exist, the script will create it.
The script will check if the ECS Task Role exists in your AWS account and if the Role is not present, it will:
- Create an IAM policy with the necessary permissions.
- Create an IAM role.
- Assign the newly created permissions to the newly created IAM role.
Additionally the script will Export the ARNs of the roles (whether created or pre-existing) as environment variables for use in the subsequent steps.
Before proceeding with the next steps, you must source the script. This will check for the necessary roles, create them if they don't exist, and export the role ARNs to environment variables that are used in the following steps.
source scripts/build/
Expected output:
$ source scripts/build/
Creating task role...
TASK_ROLE_ARN exported: arn:aws:iam::012345678912:role/ecs/ambient/eks-ecs-task-role
Creating task policy...
Task role is ready.
In this step, we create a new namespace in Kubernetes called ecs
, which will be used to store configuration objects related to ECS workloads (such as WorkloadEntries
and ServiceEntries
export ECS_NS=ecs # This namespace is required for the demo to work
export ECS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=ecs-demo-sa # This service account name is required for the demo
kubectl create ns ${ECS_NS}
kubectl label namespace ${ECS_NS}
kubectl create sa $ECS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME -n $ECS_NS
kubectl -n $ECS_NS annotate sa $ECS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME$(echo $TASK_ROLE_ARN | sed 's/\/ecs\/ambient//')
Expected output:
namespace/ecs created
namespace/ecs labeled
serviceaccount/ecs-demo-sa created
serviceaccount/ecs-demo-sa annotated
In this step, we configure istiod
to securely accept communication from the ECS cluster. This ensures that ztunnels in ECS can bootstrap workloads with the necessary security measures in place.
kubectl apply -f manifests/east-west-cp.yaml
A shell script is used to deploy ECS tasks. It will create two tasks - one will be used to initiate the calls and another one to receive the calls. The script will create the ECS tasks in ecs-demo
Expected output:
$ scripts/build/
Registering task definition for shell-task-definition.json...
Task definition shell-task-definition.json registered successfully.
Registering task definition for echo-task-definition.json...
Task definition echo-task-definition.json registered successfully.
All task definitions registered successfully.
ecs_vpc_id: vpc-048ea4882f423f0c1
Private Subnet IDs: subnet-00989435327e326a9,subnet-0952e8295616c404c,subnet-00a002d0f2f2f9a70
Security Group IDs: sg-06c232b01eb75663d
ECS services script is completed.
NOTE The current ECS task definition for shell
task sets the environment variable ALL_PROXY=socks5h://
. This configuration ensures that all traffic is routed through the local SOCKS5 proxy at port 15080. As a result, all communication from the application or service running as an ECS Task is captured by the Istio Ambient (ztunnel
In this step, ECS are added to the Istio service mesh. istioctl
command bootstrap the ECS service with required secrets, configuration, and permissions to communicate with the Istio control plane.
./istioctl ecs add-service shell-task --cluster ecs-$CLUSTER_NAME --namespace $ECS_NS
./istioctl ecs add-service echo-service --cluster ecs-$CLUSTER_NAME --namespace $ECS_NS
the expected output:
Generating a bootstrap token for ecs/default...
β’ Fetched Istiod Root Cert
β’ Fetching Istiod URL...
β’ Service "eastwest" provides Istiod access on port 15012
β’ Fetching Istiod URL (
β’ Workload is authorized to run as role "arn:aws:iam::012345678912:role/ecs/ambient/eks-ecs-task-role"
β’ Created task definition arn:aws:ecs:us-west-1:012345678912:task-definition/shell-task-definition:37
β’ Successfully enrolled service "shell-task" (arn:aws:ecs:us-west-1:012345678912:service/ecs-demo-ztunnel-0/shell-task) to the mesh
β’ Generating a bootstrap token for ecs/default...
β’ Fetched Istiod Root Cert
β’ Fetching Istiod URL...
β’ Service "eastwest" provides Istiod access on port 15012
β’ Fetching Istiod URL (
β’ Workload is authorized to run as role "arn:aws:iam::012345678912:role/ecs/ambient/eks-ecs-task-role"
β’ Created task definition arn:aws:ecs:us-west-1:012345678912:task-definition/echo-service-definition:19
β’ Successfully enrolled service "echo-service" (arn:aws:ecs:us-west-1:012345678912:service/ecs-demo-ztunnel-0/echo-service) to the mesh
Now the demo setup looks like this. ECS Services are added to the Istio Ambient Mesh:
To test the setup, deploy shell
and echo
applications in the default namespace of the previously created EKS cluster:
# Label the default namespace with ambient mode
kubectl label namespace default
# Deploy the test applications
kubectl apply -f manifests/eks-echo.yaml
kubectl apply -f manifests/eks-shell.yaml
Now the demo setup is complete and looks like this:
In this step, you will verify that EKS pods can communicate with ECS services by making HTTP requests from an EKS pod to services running on EKS and ECS platform. This confirms that the setup between EKS and ECS is functioning correctly.
Verify that EKS pods can communicate with ECS services:
Confirm communication between an EKS pod and an EKS service:
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -l app=eks-shell -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") -- curl eks-echo:8080
Expected output:
Test communication from an EKS pod to an ECS service via ztunnel
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -l app=eks-shell -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") -- curl echo-service.ecs.local:8080
Expected output:
The diagram below demonstrates the flow of communication that was tested in this step:
For this demo, the security group settings are opened wide to simplify testing and ensure connectivity between ECS and EKS workloads. However, in a real-world deployment, security groups should be configured more tightly to restrict access based on specific CIDR ranges, protocols, and ports. Limiting access helps to maintain security and prevent unwanted traffic between ECS and EKS environments.
Run the test script to demonstrate the communication between ECS and EKS workloads. The provided test script reads a list of curl commands from a file (in this case, tests/ecs-test-commands.txt
) and executes each command on the ECS container using the aws ecs execute-command
functionality. All traffic between ECS and EKS workloads is secured with mTLS, ensuring that it is encrypted, verified, and routed through the Istio ztunnel.
Run the Test Script: The script takes the file as input and executes each command sequentially on the ECS task, this tests ensures that calls from ECS contrainer can reach EKS, ECS and an externally hosted service.
scripts/test/ tests/ecs-test-commands.txt
Expected output:
$ scripts/test/ tests/ecs-test-commands.txt
Cluster name not provided, trying to connect to the cluster ecs-demo-ztunnel-0
Using Task ID: 7121f914d8864596b14622ae1be8da61
Running command: curl eks-echo.default:8080
Running command: curl echo-service.ecs.local:8080
Running command: curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 22:16:50 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 9593
Connection: keep-alive
Server: gunicorn/19.9.0
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
The diagram below demonstrates the flow of communication that was tested in this step:
For testing connectivity from ECS, we will continue using the
script. This script finds the ECS tasks running the shell
container in the ECS cluster created earlier and executes curl
commands to the targets listed in the text file. The script allows you to validate connectivity and communication.
In this section, you'll apply a Deny All L4 policy to EKS workloads and test various communications between ECS and EKS tasks.
First, apply the Deny All policy to block all traffic to EKS workloads:
kubectl apply -f manifests/eks-deny.yaml
After applying the policy, test the following scenarios:
- ECS to ECS communication: This should succeed since the policy only applies to EKS workloads.
scripts/test/ tests/ecs-to-ecs.txt
- ECS to EKS communication: This should be blocked by the L4 policy.
scripts/test/ tests/ecs-to-eks.txt
Finally, test if EKS to ECS communication still succeeds as no policy is blocking it:
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -l app=eks-shell -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") -- curl echo-service.ecs.local:8080
Below is a diagram illustrating the flow of communication that was tested in this step:
Next, let's test a similar policy for ECS workloads.
First, remove the previous policy to ensure cleaner testing and apply a similar Deny All policy for ECS:
kubectl delete -n default authorizationpolicies eks-echo-deny
kubectl apply -f manifests/ecs-deny.yaml
Test the following scenarios:
- ECS to ECS communication: This should be denied by the freshly applied policy.
scripts/test/ tests/ecs-to-ecs.txt
- ECS to EKS communication: This should now be allowed since no L4 policy is applied to EKS workloads.
scripts/test/ tests/ecs-to-eks.txt
Finally, test if EKS to ECS communication is now blocked by the policy for ECS workloads:
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -l app=eks-shell -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") -- curl echo-service.ecs.local:8080
Below is a diagram illustrating the flow of communication that was tested in this step:
For clarity, remove the previous policy:
kubectl delete -n $ECS_NS authorizationpolicies ecs-deny-all
Now, enable the Waypoint proxy in the ECS namespace:
./istioctl waypoint apply -n $ECS_NS --enroll-namespace
Apply an L7 policy to allow only POST operations:
kubectl apply -f manifests/post-only-allow.yaml
Test the following scenarios:
- POST requests: These should be allowed.
scripts/test/ tests/ecs-to-ecs-post.txt
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -l app=eks-shell -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") -- curl -X POST echo-service.ecs.local:8080
- GET requests: These will be denied with
RBAC: access denied
scripts/test/ tests/ecs-to-ecs-get.txt
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -l app=eks-shell -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") -- curl -X GET echo-service.ecs.local:8080
The diagram below illustrates L7 Policy implementation via Waypoint Proxy with applied L7 Authorization Policy:
To reset the environment, delete the L7 policy:
kubectl delete -f manifests/post-only-allow.yaml
To clean up the resources created during this demo, you can use the following commands:
First run the cleanup script for the ECS artifacts:
use separate script to delete IAM roles and policies:
Finally, delete the EKS cluster:
eksctl delete cluster --name ${CLUSTER_NAME} --region ${AWS_REGION}
If you encounter any issues during testing, please reach out to your representative for assistance.