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How to distribute load between pollers

Oleksandr Manetskyi edited this page May 1, 2024 · 1 revision

HCO provides ability to distribute load between Polling engines. Node polling is assigned to a specific Poller Engine and can be moved between Poller Engines later via SDK.

Get all Polling engines

https://{IP}:17778/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Query?query=SELECT EngineID, ServerName, IP, ServerType, Elements FROM Orion.Engines


Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Example Response

    "results": [
            "EngineID": 1,
            "ServerName": "Hostname1",
            "IP": "",
            "ServerType": "Primary",
            "Elements": 3
            "EngineID": 2,
            "ServerName": "Hostname2",
            "IP": "",
            "ServerType": "Additional",
            "Elements": 6

Elements property shows the number of elements (Nodes, Interfaces, etc.) assigned to the Polling engine.

Assign node to specific Polling engine

Orion.Nodes.Uri is needed to specify the Node to change Polling engine for.

🟠 POST Query Request



Authorization: {{basicAuthorization}}
Content-Type: application/json

Body raw

    "EngineID": 2

Example Response

Returns null with Status 200 OK.

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