Reminders of some Janet notes and code
janet-editor-and-tooling-info - mostly a collection of editor and tooling info for use with the Janet programming language
janet-features-demos - some demos of Janet features listed at the main page, in order, on a Linux box
git-some-janets - tool to retrieve various Janet repositories
janet-ref - doc and source lookups of Janet itself, core lib samples and quizzes, and then some... (can be used with shell completion for identifiers)
jaylib-netrepl-demo - demo of using Jaylib with
jaylib-tetris - jaylib port of raysan5's classics tetris code
jaylib-wasm-demo - demo of using Jaylib in a web browser via WASM
spork-http-sample - simple Janet
janet-emacs-trial-kit - try Janet support in Emacs with relatively minimal fuss
janet-neovim-trial-kit - try Janet support in Neovim with relatively minimal fuss
a-janet-spork-client - Emacs Lisp implementation of a subset of the client end of
ajrepl - interacting with a Janet REPL via Emacs
flycheck-janet - Emacs flycheck support for Janet
janet-ts-mode - tree-sitter-based Emacs major mode for Janet
snr - a
client for Emacs via "proxying"
janet-tempdir - temporary directory creation
janet-termsize - a Janet (not C) implementation of determining a terminal's size (rows and columns)
janet-walk-dir - file and directory traversal
index-janet - generate tags / TAGS files for Janet's source code using universal ctags (used by editors for features like "jump to definition")
index-janet-source - generate tags / TAGS files for Janet's source code using PEGs (used by editors for features like "jump to definition")
jdoc - use janet's
from the command line (can be used with shell completion for identifiers) -
look-up-janet-def - look up a definition for a Janet identifier via a command line program and display the results in an editor (can be used with shell completion for identifiers)
janet-pegdoc - doc, examples, and quizzes for Janet's PEGs (can be used with shell completion for identifiers)
margaret -
implemented in Janet (along with PEG examples and tutorial material) -
small-peg-tracer - trace and view simulated execution of Janet's
janet-bencode - a Janet bencode library
janet-checksums - MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-2 in pure Janet
janet-jsonish - JSON <-> JDN conversion in pure Janet
janet-punyishcode - Punycode decoding / encoding in Janet
janet-totp - some HOTP / TOTP support for Janet
janet-xmlish - parse XML-ish strings as Janet data
clojure-peg - parsing and generating Clojure via Janet's PEGs
jandent - alternate indenter for Janet
janet-bounds - determining bounds of things in strings of Janet source code
janet-delims - some functions for working with delimiters in fragments of Janet source code
janet-indent - indenting a line or region of Janet source code
janet-last-expression - determining the last expression in a fragment of Janet source code
janet-location-zipper - zipper for Janet source
janet-peg - parsing and generating Janet via PEGs
janet-syntax-highlighting - maintenance tool for updating syntax highlighting info for various editors and tools
janet-unwrap - determining bounds for unwrapping forms in strings of Janet source code
review-janet - review (linting) tool for
janet-ex-as-tests - expressing examples or usages and reusing as tests
janet-minipbt-translation - a translation into Janet of parts of MiniPBT (a series of articles about property-based-testing)
janet-tree-sitter - experimental bindings for tree-sitter using Janet
tree-sitter-janet-simple - simple Janet grammar for tree-sitter (usable in Emacs, Helix, Neovim)
ts-questions - tree-sitter-related questions, discussions, and
scripts for fetching and analyzing grammar repositories