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Generator Overview

naraesk edited this page Jan 13, 2018 · 2 revisions

1 App

Standalone applications which can be run independently


This application contains software metrics

2 Generator

2.1 org.svis.generator

The generator gets passed a metamodel (famix, dynamix or hismo) and generates a visualization based on the metamodel given.

2.2 org.svis.generator.test

Contains all test cases for the generator. For more information see Testprocess

2.3 org.svis.generator.releng

Projects serves as the parent project of all projects. Further, it includes Eclipse launchers (*.launch files) to start the different workflows


Includes workflow files. Usually, they are not run directly but via the Eclipse launchers.

3 Libraries

3.1 org.svis.lib.repository

This library is an abstraction layer to access version management repositories such as git and svn in a unified way.

3.2 org.svis.lib.database

This library is an abstraction layot for accesssing the neo4j library, e.g., for adding Famix and RD models to it.

4 XText Metamodels

They describe the used metamodels for input (famix/dynamix/hismo) and metaphors (City/RD…). They are used inside the generator to apply model to model transformations.