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GSoD Ideas 2019

naraesk edited this page Apr 16, 2019 · 5 revisions

Application Instructions

We don't provide a special template for your application. But please make sure to answer the following questions:

  • Who are you and what is your background? (university, studies, hobbies …)
  • What are your experiences? (programming languages/frameworks, jobs, part of an open source community …)
  • What are your expectations? Why have you chosen this project? (personal interests, specializations …)

Besides that, your application should contain a project plan, consisting of tasks and milestones. Please make sure that your project plan is coordinated with your mentor. If you have any question, feel free to ask! Just write at softvis(at) or open an issue. Anyway, please make sure to talk to your potential mentor before applying!

About Google Summer of Code

This documents provides an overview over ideas for projects from Google Summer of Code 2019. Every idea consists of a list of keywords representing the technologies you are most likely will get in touch with during the project. This does not mean you already have to be familiar with them, preconditions are listed separately. Getaviz is a very heterogenous project, containing different components which uses completely different technologies. The keywords will help you to find a project you are interested in, so you can work with the technologies you are enthousiastic about! Further, the focus of most projects can be shifted a bit according to your interests. Just talk to us! The following list gives you an overview which technologies we use in Getaviz:

Please make sure to inform yourself about Getaviz and software visualization in general before applying. Have a look at our online demo and publications. Both is linked in the README of this project.

Hardware: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Microsoft HoloLens

Visualization frameworks: A-Frame, x3d, x3dom, d3

Programming languages: Java, Ruby, JavaScript, Xtext, Xtend

Frameworks and tools: react, Ruby on Rails, jQAssistant, neo4j
